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Water Pollution.

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1 Water Pollution

2 Water Pollution Water quality being degraded (lowered) due to chemical, physical, or biological agents in the water. Major Causes: Industrialization b) Rapid human population growth


4 Sources of Water Pollution
Point-Source Pollution: pollution discharged from a single source BP oil spill Untreated sewage Restaurant’s drainage pipe emptying runoff into a river


6 2. Nonpoint-Source Pollution:
comes from many different sources (hard to identify) Parking lot runoff Runoff from feed lots c) Litter in storm runoff

7 Point or Nonpoint Source Pollution
Throwing the old oil from your car into the sewer. Chemicals added to road surfaces Pesticides, herbicides, & fertilizer from residential lawns, golf courses & farmland. A manufacturer releasing toxic fumes into the air. An unlined landfill releasing toxins into the soil.

8 Point and Nonpoint Sources of Pollution

9 Principal Water Pollutants

10 Wastewater Water that contains waste from homes and industry.
Biodegradable: waste that can be broken down by living organisms (most home waste). Non-biodegradable: can’t be broken down by living organisms (mercury, lead, arsenic). Wastewater treatment plants may not remove all harmful substances.

11 Sewage Sludge It’s the solid material that remains after water treatment. It is hazardous waste if it contains dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. 3. Must be buried in secure landfills.

12 Sewage Sludge

13 Artificial Eutrophication
When it’s caused by humans and not nature. Nutrients like fertilizer from lawns, farms, gardens enter water causing algal blooms due to excessive amounts of phosphorus. As algae die oxygen is used up and aquatic organisms (fish) suffocate.

14 Algal Bloom

15 Thermal Pollution Caused by industry that release hot water into bodies of water. Aquatic organisms live at precise temperature ranges. Wrong temperature  organism dies Why? Enzymes become denatured (break apart).


17 Groundwater Pollution
Big problem. 2. Causes: Polluted surface water gets to groundwater Leaking underground storage tanks, septic tanks, unlined landfills, industrial wastewater lagoons. Cleanup: groundwater recharges very slowly & pollutants can cling to aquifers.


19 Ocean Pollution Oil spills Pollutants are often dumped into oceans.
Control of countries is difficult. Damage to coastal ecosystems, coral reefs, estuaries, coastal marshes Most of oil that pollutes oceans comes from cities & towns.


21 Biomagnification: Pollute the tiny organisms and everyone in the food chain is affected

22 is the accumulation of pollutants at successive levels of the food chain.
has alarming consequences for organisms at the top of the food chain, is one reason why U.S. recommends the amount of fish people can eat from certain bodies of water. (remember the lists from 11.2??)

23 Review 11.3 What is water pollution?
What is the difference between point-source and non-point source pollution? What is wastewater? What is a product of wastewater treatment? What is artificial eutrophication? Explain how pollution becomes magnified as it moves through a food chain. Name 3 ways you can prevent ocean pollution.


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