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What does Jesus teach?.

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Presentation on theme: "What does Jesus teach?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does Jesus teach?

2 Who is Jesus? What do we already know about Jesus?

3 Jesus Prayed What is a prayer? -talking and listening to God
-either alone or as a community -we can use words, music, actions, silence, images, symbols and nature to help us pray

4 Jesus Prayed The New Testament tells us stories of Jesus’ life. Jesus prayed alone and with others.

5 Jesus prayed the Lord’s Prayer and we can too!
Click on the picture to watch the Lord’s Prayer

6 Jesus Showed Love to All People
Jesus spent time with all people, even those that nobody else liked or wanted to be with. Jesus healed sick people, including the blind and those with leprosy. He showed love and kindness to people who had done the wrong thing. He treated everyone equally and forgave people when they made poor choices.

7 Click on the picture to hear a special song.
Jesus Loves Us Click on the picture to hear a special song.

8 Jesus Wants Us to Show Love to Everyone
Click on the picture to watch a song about love.

9 Fishing for People

10 Click on the picture to watch a bible story about Jesus as a boy.
Jesus the Teacher From a very young age, Jesus knew that he was here on Earth to teach people. Click on the picture to watch a bible story about Jesus as a boy.

11 Jesus the Teacher As Jesus grew up, he became a wonderful teacher.
He used stories, called parables, to teach people how to live their lives.

12 The Holy Trinity

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