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TV Spend Down, Website Traffic Down

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1 TV Spend Down, Website Traffic Down
Five Major Movie Studios Saw Their Website’s Unique Visitors Decrease As Their TV Spend Declined The below chart reflects the shifts in spend and online traffic for movie studios who were active on TV every month for the last three years TV Spend Down, Website Traffic Down Comparison Over 3 Years (18-Month vs. 18-Month): Oct ‘14 – Mar ’16 vs. Apr ‘16 – Sep ‘17 Avg Mnthly TV Spend (000): Oct. ‘14 - Mar. ’16: $47,800 $23,759 $28,740 $30,894 $21,238 Apr. ‘16 – Sep. ‘17: $39,506 $22,611 $24,594 $30,110 $19,242 % Difference: -17% -5% -14% -3% -9% Avg Mnthly Unique Visitors (000): Oct. ‘14 - Mar. ’16: 2,787 6,351 410 118 2,468 Apr. ‘16 – Sep. ‘17: 1,779 5,241 328 76 63 % Difference: -36% -17% -20% -36% -97% Source: comScore mediametrix multiplatform media trend; Total audience (P2+), October ‘14 – September ‘17. Nielsen Ad Intel, TV spend (national cable TV, national broadcast TV, Spanish language broadcast TV, Spanish language cable TV, spot TV, syndication TV, October ‘14 – September ‘17.

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