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Columbia University English and Comparative Literature

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Presentation on theme: "Columbia University English and Comparative Literature"— Presentation transcript:

1 Columbia University English and Comparative Literature
Rachel Adams, commonalities Jonathan Arac, team leader David Kurnick, key ideas

2 First year: Introduction to discipline and department
STRUCTURES MA seminars MA lecture series meetings with DGS and MA director student-organized social events reading groups PROBLEMS individual divergences among faculty different first year constituencies

3 Introduction to the research enterprise
begins in the first year seminars: faculty model current research, secondary source materials dissertation colloquia: discussion of writing with fellow graduate students and faculty faculty works-in-progress lectures lectures by visiting faculty

4 Significant Transition
THE ORAL EXAM links coursework to dissertation a two-hour oral exam certifies mastery of specific fields as well as competence to teach an introductory course in major field student is granted M. Phil

5 Dissertation and defense
topic is determined in consultation with chair and second reader student works closely with two committee members dissertation consists of 4-5 chapters 2-hour defense with committee of three departmental , two outside members chair determines that student is ready to defend

6 Innovation Early 90s—uniform full funding package
03—full credit seminar ‘teaching writing: theory and practice’ current—grad student role in faculty searches

7 Novel Idea replace one foreign language exam with an equivalent skill

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