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Scottish Apprenticeship Week Free Health & Safety Awareness Event

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Apprenticeship Week Free Health & Safety Awareness Event"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Apprenticeship Week Free Health & Safety Awareness Event
Thursday 8th March 2018 Inverness College 1 Inverness Campus Inverness IV2 5NA

2 Apprenticeship Health and Safety Awareness Event
This free event, in partnership with Inverness College UHI and as part of the Scottish Apprenticeship Week is run by the industry for the industry as part of Site Safe Scotland and UK – wide Working Well Together campaign. The aim is not only to raise awareness of key health and safety issues facing the construction industry specific to your trade, but also to give practical advice on how to avoid risks on constructions sites. There is no charge for the event, it is aimed exclusively at apprentices and we would encourage you to allow your apprentices to attend.

3 Apprenticeship Health and Safety Awareness Event
08: :00 Registration. Breakfast roll and tea./coffee 09: :45 Welcome and introduction 09:45 – 12:30 Rolling programme on the following topics: Asbestos Construction Dust Mobile Plant and People Interface Work at Height Drugs and Alcohol 12:30 Lunch (Soup and Sandwich) There is no dress code, site clothes are muddy boots on arrival please . Some presentations are outside so wear warm/waterproof clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather.

4 Apprenticeship Health and Safety Awareness Event
CURRENT STUDENTS STAFF Inverness College UHI CURRENT STUDENTS STAFF Inverness College UHI Apprenticeship Health and Safety Awareness Event

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