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NHS 1948 – 2018 In Manchester Diocese

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1 NHS 1948 – 2018 In Manchester Diocese
Rev Canon Anne Edwards & Rev Jeremy Law

2 Launch of the NHS 5th July 1948 Health Secretary - Aneurin Bevan
Park Hospital, Manchester On 5th July 1948 the then Health Minister Aneurin Bevan launched the NHS at Park Hospital in this diocese. We now know Park Hospital as Trafford General and part of Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

3 Three Core Principles Meets the needs of everyone
Free at the point of delivery Based on clinical need, not the ability to pay

4 Principles of NHS Constitution
Provides a comprehensive service to all Access to NHS Services is based on clinical need, not on an individual’s ability to pay The NHS aspires to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism The NHS aspires to put patients at the heart of everything it does The NHS works across organisational boundaries and in partnership with other organisations in the interest of patients, local communities and the wider population The NHS is committed to providing the best value for taxpayers’ money and the most effective, fair and sustainable use of finite resources The NHS is accountable to the public, communities and the patients that it serves

5 NHS Values Working together for patients Respect and dignity
Commitment to quality of care Compassion Improving lives Everyone counts

6 NHS in Manchester Diocese
Acute Trusts Mental Health Trusts Community Healthcare Trusts Commissioners Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership In reality we have thousands of our parishioner employed by the NHS as doctors, nurses, cleaners, porters, managers, administrators. Every single member of our parishes whether they ever set foot in our churches or not will normally access NHS services several times in their lifetimes – usually at very significant times: beginning of life, illness, approaching death.

7 Chaplains in Manchester Diocese
Chaplains, employed by the NHS Trusts and licensed by the faith and belief communities, who are there to support everyone whose lives bring them into contact with their organization, be that patients, relatives and carers, or staff; in pastoral, spiritual or religious care. As chaplains we are not allowed to proselytize in any way. We meet people where they are in their worry, their stress, their joy or their sorrow. Across our diocese we have 24 licensed healthcare chaplains working across the various institutions.

8 A story from a Mental Health setting
Rev Jeremy Law Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Manager Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT

9 Blue Sky Thinking If money were no barrier how could we as a diocese make a difference to the lives of those who access healthcare? What ideas on a parish, deanery or diocesan level could make a difference to people’s healthcare? What good practice do you know of which could be replicated?

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