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Revelation 14 part 2 – The proclamation of the three angels

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1 Revelation 14 part 2 – The proclamation of the three angels
Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 14 part 2 – The proclamation of the three angels Please visit our website:

2 The first proclamation
An angel going forth throughout the earth preaching the everlasting gospel Everlasting or eternal John 10 verse 28 – eternal life – same word Ephesians 3 verse 9 – the mystery from the beginning of the ages hidden in God John 1 – the word was with God and was God – eternal Verse 14 – 17 – grace and truth came through Jesus Christ 1 Cor 15 v 3 – Christ died according to the scriptures – a pre-existing plan Jeremiah 31 verse 3 – an everlasting love Psalm 103 v 17 So, the everlasting Gospel confirms God’s mercy and grace

3 The first proclamation
This gospel to be preached world-wide A last chance to accept it! Matthew 12 verse 22 and following – the unpardonable sin was rejecting Christ and accusing Him of evil – rejecting Christ remains the only unforgivable sin. Fear God because He is about to judge! Notice God is to be worshipped as creator The whole world is left without excuse Eternal existence is for all Revelation 20 verse 10 Daniel 12 v 2

4 The second proclamation
Babylon is fallen, is fallen False and deceitful religion is shown to be powerless Incurred God’s wrath because of what she has done to all nations Babylon shown as literally fallen in Daniel 5 Also in Jeremiah 51 verses 59 and following And in Isaiah 47 These verses tell of the literal demise of the city However, the spiritual Babylon is still alive Its origin was at Babel in Genesis 10 – Nimrod who built Babel and its tower, which was opposed to God and strove for human sufficiency.

5 The third proclamation
This gives clarity as to what in particular will bring judgement Worshipping the beast Receiving his mark This is a repeat of the Matthew 12 folly Rejecting the real Messiah as though He were evil and undesirable Accepting the false religion of the beast and worshipping him as god. This will lead to those individuals drinking the wine of His Wrath – full strength The torment will be eternal and in Jesus’ presence

6 The third proclamation
Psalm 75 v 8 – drunk to the dregs Jeremiah 51 v 7 – Babylon drunk on the wine of wrath Habakkuk 2 v 15 and following – the woes of idolatry Rev 16 v 6 – blood to drink Rev 16 v 19 – this judgement comes to pass Rev 18 v 6 – judgement multiplied back to Babylon All of this not yet happened, but promised – a gracious warning

7 The epilogue This is the patience of the saints (Hupermone – patience, perseverance or continuation, sometimes rendered as). Revelation 3 v 10 – God keeps them from the hour of temptation Revelation 6 v 10 – god will deliver justice in right time This phrase is used to speak of the security of the saints to continue in their salvation – “once saved always saved” John 17 v 14 the prayer of Jesus was for God to keep them from the evil one Verses 9 – 26 – we are His and none of us will be lost Ephesians 1 v 13 & 14 sealed with the promise of His Holy Spirit and guaranteed our inheritance Philippians 1 v 6 bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ Romans 8 v 28 – 39 – nothing shall separate us John 10 v 27 – 30 nothing shall separate John 6 37 – 47 eternal protection John 5 v 24

8 Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27)
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