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Angela Marlowe & Jennifer Eury

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1 Angela Marlowe & Jennifer Eury
Mineral Storage Angela Marlowe & Jennifer Eury Health Science 1

2 Your body is made of 99% Calcium, & 85% of Phosphorus.
If you get to much calcium in the body it can lead to diseases, such as Hypocalcemia:Low Blood Calcium, & Hypercalcemia:Higher Calcium Than Normal. Phosphorus is used for growth and repair of body cells and tissues. 85% Phosphorus is found in bone & teeth.

3 Phosphate is an important role in energy production as components of ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate. ATP is used to fuel your bodys many functions. In children, phosphorus deficiency affects normal bone and teeth development. After age 20 you lose bone faster by not making enough Calcium, vitamin D, and Exercise.

4 70 y/o grandmother says, “I don’t know whats happening to me, I used to be 5’6; now I’m only 5’4, Explain why she is becoming shorter?????

5 Bones are losing mass, and becoming more pores and increase risk of fractures and if vertebrae cracks or breaks possibly can cause paralyzation. Also dramatic loss in bone mass can cause serious health problems such as osteoporosis.

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