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#76 megas-Greek-great, big

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1 #76 megas-Greek-great, big
megaphone- (phone – sound) device for making a sound larger megalomania- (mania – craze) crazy person with delusions of greatness megameter- (meter – measure) million meters (referring to the metric system, mega means a million times)

2 #77 magnus-Latin-big, large
magnify- (facio – make, do) make larger magnificent- great in deed or character magnanimous- (animus – mind, spirit) great in mind or noble in soul

3 #78 pater-Latin-father patriarch- (archos (Gr.) – chief) chief father of a family or society patriotism- love for the fatherland patron- one who gives financial support as a father would

4 #79 mater-Latin-mother matriarch- (archos (Gr) – chief) a woman who rules the family maternal- motherly matrix- the ground from which an idea springs

5 #80 frater- Latin -brother
fraternal- brotherly fraternity- brotherly association of men fraternize- to associate together on friendly terms

6 #81 demos-Greek-the citizens
democracy- (kratos – power) people power demography-(graph – write, draw) draw charts of information about people epidemic- (epi – upon) disease spread among the citizens

7 #82-populus-Latin-people
public- general body of people in a community publish- make known to the people population- whole number of people in an area

8 #83- polis- Greek- city metropolis- (mater – mother) main city with smaller suburbs around it political- concerning the management of a city policy- course of action adopted in the management of the city

9 #84-urbs- Latin- city urban- pertaining to the city suburb- (sub – under, below, near) smaller town near a city urbane- polite, having city manners

10 #85-pathos-Greek-feeling
pathetic- marked by suffering apathy- (a – not) not feeling, not caring sympathy- (syn – together) to feel what another feels

11 #86-autos-Greek-self autograph- (graph – write) writing the name of oneself autobiography- (bios – life) life story written by one’s self automatic- (matos – think) a machine that seems to think for itself, self-acting

12 #87-thermos-Greek-heat
thermotropic- (tropos – turn) turning towards the heat thermogenic- (genos – origin) generating heat thermoplastic- (plastos – shape, mold) can be molded when heated

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