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A new chance for the HADRON PHYSICS community

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1 A new chance for the HADRON PHYSICS community
E. Nappi – NuPECC - June 16, 2017

2 After a long success story in being funded by EC calls for Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities: in FP6 - HadronPhysics (2004 – 2008) In FP7 - HadronPhysics2 (2009 – 2011) - HadronPhysics3 (2012 – 2014) In 2015 and 2016, HadronPhysicsHorizon proposal was rejected twice Since three years, a community of 2500 nuclear scientists is still struggling for a new project

3 Steps towards a new application to the next call
Meeting with Philippe Froissard, Deputy Head of Unit Research Infrastructures ( ) Several contacts with members of the program committee Discussions within the HadronPhysics senior members Resignation letter by Ulrich Wiedner ( ) On January 30, 2017, Carlo Guaraldo, Michel Guidal, Frank Maas and Eugenio Nappi, in their capacity as former members of the HP steering committees, lauched: "Call for a coordinator for an EU Integrating Activity in hadron physics" with dead line for applicants: February 28, 2017.

4 Search Committee Frank Maas Helmholtz-Institut Mainz (Chair)  Johannes Wessels WWU Münster  Eugenio Nappi INFN Executive Board  Carlo Guaraldo INFN-LNF  Frank Sabatié CEA Saclay – Irfu/SPhN  Michel Guidal CNRS/IN2P3 IPNO Orsay  Muhsin Harakeh KVI Groningen  & CANDIDATES Catalina Oana Curceanu - INFN EPS’ “Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics” Barbara Erazmus - IN2P3 Chevalier Grade of the French Legion of Honour & Directeur de Recherche classe exceptionnelle at CNRS

5 We wish Barbara all the best for the tremendous task and good luck,
um 19:05 schrieb Maas, Prof. Dr. Frank Dear All, the search committee for the new coordinator of the successor of the European group application in hadron physics (Carlo Guaraldo, Eugenio Nappi, Franck Sabatie, Michel Guidal, Johannes Wessels and myself) has met with the candidates today. We have been in the lucky situation that we had two very strong candidates. The search committee decided in consensus to select Barbara Erazmus as the new coordinator of the new European project proposal, which has to be handed in on March 22, 2018. We wish Barbara all the best for the tremendous task and good luck, Frank Maas for the search committee

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