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opportunities Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK

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1 opportunities Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. One word in the selection is opportunities. Say it with me: opportunities. Opportunities are chances to become successful or achieve a goal. If you are a new student, joining a club or a team will give you opportunities to meet new friends. En español, opportunities quiere decir “oportunidades, una ocasión que se ofrece para alcanzar el éxito o lograr una meta.” Si eres un nuevo estudiante, participar en una organización o deporte te da la oportunidad de hacer nuevas amistades. Opportunities in English and oportunidades in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word opportunities. These students are reading books. Reading gives you opportunities to learn about people, places, and things that interest you. Even if you can’t meet the people, travel to the places, or do the things you read about, you can still experience them through books. Turn to your partner and talk about what opportunities you have when you visit a library. Share your answers with the class. (I can use the computers. I can do research.) Work with your partner to use the word opportunities in a sentence. Use the sentence frame: Some opportunities I hope to have in school this year are ____________________. Now let’s say opportunities together three more times: opportunities, opportunities, opportunities. opportunities

2 border Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. Another word in the selection is border. Say it with me: border. A border is a line that separates one place from another. When you travel from the United States to Canada or Mexico, you are crossing a border. En español, border quiere decir “una frontera o límite, la línea que separa dos lugares.” Cuando uno viaja de Estados Unidos a Canadá o a México, uno cruza una frontera. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word border. (Point to the Mexico border in the photo.) This is the border between the United States and Mexico. The people in these cars are waiting in line to cross from the United States into Mexico. A guard at the border might ask the people questions such as, “Where are you from?” and “How long do you plan to stay in Mexico?” MOVEMENT Let’s pretend our classroom is divided into two countries. I’m going to draw a line on the floor with my chalk to show where the border is. Now let’s line up and take turns crossing the border. Let’s cross the border again. This time, I’m going to say, “Welcome. What is your name? Where are you from?” Answer my questions. Then step over the line to cross the border. Now let’s say border together three more times: border, border, border. border

3 unions Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. Another word in the selection is unions. Say it with me: unions. Unions are groups of people who work together to support a common interest. Many kinds of jobs have unions to support their workers. The unions try to make the jobs better, safer, and fair for all workers. En español, unions quiere decir “sindicatos, grupos de personas que trabajan juntos con un mismo fi n.” Muchas ocupaciones tienen sindicatos para apoyar a sus trabajadores. Los sindicatos intentan mejorar las condiciones laborales de sus miembros y hacerlas más seguras y más justas. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word unions. (Point to the students joining hands.) These students are forming a union. They are joining hands to show that they are connected and will all work together and support each other. PARTNER TALK Turn to your partner and talk about what things you would work for if you could form a union for students in your school. (Examples include: computers in every classroom, longer lunches, more books in the library.) Share your responses with the class. Work with your partner to complete this sentence frame: Unions are like teams because ____________________. Now let’s say unions together three more times: unions, unions, unions. unions

4 strikes Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. Another word in the selection is strikes. Say it with me: strikes. Strikes happen when workers stop working to show that they disagree with their employers and want better treatment. En español, strikes quiere decir “huelgas, paros voluntarios de trabajo.” Las huelgas ocurren cuando los trabajadores paran de trabajar para demonstrar que estan en desacuerdo con sus empleadores y desean mejor trato. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word strikes. (Point to the workers holding picket signs.) These workers are on strike. They are holding signs outside their workplace to show that they will not return to work until working conditions change or improve. PARTNER TALK Talk with a partner about whether you would join a strike if you were an employee. Explain why or why not. (Yes, because I would want to support the other workers and make my workplace better. No, because I need to get paid to support my family.) With your partner, make a list of reasons why workers might hold strikes. Share your reasons with the class. Now let’s say strikes together three more times: strikes, strikes, strikes. strikes

5 boycotts Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. Another word in the selection is boycotts. Say it with me: boycotts. When a person boycotts something, he or she refuses to buy or use a product as a form of protest. The person may disagree with the way it is made or the values of the people who make the product. En español, boycotts quiere decir “boicots, negarse a comprar un producto de una persona o una empresa con la que se está en desacuerdo.” La persona que lleva a cabo el boicot puede estar en desacuerdo con la manera en la que se fabrica el producto o con los valores de las personas que lo fabrican. Boycotts in English and boicots in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word boycotts. (Point to the man standing on the right.) This man boycotts an oil company. He thinks the company is harming the environment. Talk with a partner about other reasons people might have for boycotting. Share your responses with another pair of students. With your partner, talk about foods you would boycott if you were trying to eat healthfully. (Examples include: chips, french fries, candy, cookies, soda) Share your responses with the class. Now let’s say boycotts together three more times: boycotts, boycotts, boycotts. boycotts

6 citizen Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 6 image. Another word in the selection is citizen. Say it with me: citizen. A citizen is a person who is a member of a country. En español, citizen quiere decir “una persona que es miembro de un país, ciudadano.” Un ciudadano tiene deberes y derechos políticos. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word citizen. (Point to the students saluting the flag.) These students are citizens of the United States. They are saying the Pledge of Allegiance to show that they are loyal to their country. PARTNER TALK Let’s name some rights and freedoms that citizens of the United States have. (Examples include: the right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom of religion) With your partner, complete this sentence frame: Being a good citizen means ___________________. Now let’s say citizen together three more times: citizen, citizen, citizen. citizen

7 instead of Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
In English, instead of means “in place of.” Say it with me: instead of. I bring my lunch instead of buying it. En español, instead of quiere decir “en vez de.” Yo traigo mi almuerzo en vez de comprarlo. This picture demonstrates the phrase instead of. There are many different kinds of pizza. The person who ordered this pizza chose a pizza with toppings instead of a plain one. CHORAL RESPONSE Help me finish these sentences: In summer, we wear ______________ instead of _______________. On weekends, we ______________ instead of _________________. In the library, we should _______________ instead of _______________. Let’s pretend we’re at a restaurant. We’re going to take turns ordering. You must order something different from the person before you. For example, if I say, “I’ll have a hamburger,” the next person might say “I’ll have a salad instead of a hamburger.” (Start the activity and continue until every student has ordered.) Repeat the phrase three times with me: instead of, instead of, instead of. instead of

8 leave behind Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
In English, to leave behind means “to go away without taking someone or something with you.” Say it with me: leave behind. When you go on a trip, you leave behind most of your toys. You do not take them with you. En español, to leave behind quiere decir “dejar.” Cuando te vas de vacaciones, dejas casi todos tus juguetes. No te los llevas. This picture demonstrates the phrase leave behind. When you leave a place, make sure you do not leave behind your bag or backpack. It may not be there when you return. CHORAL RESPONSE Imagine we are going to take a nature walk. I’m going to list some things. If you would take it with you, do nothing. If you would leave it behind, say “leave behind.” television camera video game backpack Imagine you are moving to a new city. What things would you have to leave behind? (Call on a few students to respond. Examples: home, friends, school) Repeat the phrase three times with me: leave behind, leave behind, leave behind. leave behind

9 huddle together Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
In English, to huddle together means “to come together in a tight group.” Say it with me: huddle together. When it’s cold, people might huddle together to stay warm. En español, to huddle together quiere decir “amontonarse o agruparse.” Cuando hace mucho frío, las personas pueden amontonarse para conservar el calor. This picture demonstrates the phrase huddle together. These children are huddled together. They are standing in a tight group. MOVEMENT Pretend it’s cold outside and this chair is a warm fire. Let’s all huddle together around the fire to stay warm. Teams often huddle together before a game. Get in groups of three or four. I’m going to be the coach. When I say “huddle,” huddle together in your group. Repeat the phrase three times with me: huddle together, huddle together, huddle together. huddle together

10 gather around Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK
In English, gather around means “come together around a central point.” Say it with me: gather around. At mealtimes, people gather around the table to eat. En español, to gather around quiere decir “reunirse alrededor de un punto central.” A la hora de comer, la gente se reúne alrededor de una mesa. This picture demonstrates the phrase gather around. The soccer players gather around their coach. They are sitting around him so they can see and hear what he is teaching them. MOVEMENT Come to the front of the room. Gather around me, just like we do when I read a story. Get in groups of three or four. Gather around something in the classroom. Tell me what you are gathered around by completing the sentence: We are gathered around __________________. Repeat the phrase three times with me: gather around, gather around, gather around. gather around

11 bus station Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Display the card.
Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. Have children say the word three times. bus station

12 airplane Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Display the card.
Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. Have children say the word three times. airplane

13 freight train Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Display the card.
Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. Have children say the word three times. freight train

14 escalator Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Display the card.
Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. Have children say the word three times. escalator

15 car Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Display the card.
Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. Have children say the word three times. car

16 packing boxes Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Display the card.
Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. Have children say the word three times. packing boxes

17 Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 1 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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