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Find Products to Sell on Amazon

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Presentation on theme: "Find Products to Sell on Amazon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Find Products to Sell on Amazon - Josh Shogren

2 Welcome! First off, I want to say THANK YOU!
Today we will be covering How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon

3 What I Will be Covering The 5 most important aspects to choosing a good product sell and why The best way to brainstorm product ideas How to improve your product over the rest of the competition Watch me go through the whole process LIVE and a Q/A throughout the webinar

4 Before we get Started I want this to a VERY interactive webinar between you and I, ask questions! I also want this to be a laid back webinar without any sort of sales pitches at the end This is my first webinar, be easy on me :) There is no strict structure to this webinar and I will cover what you want me to

5 Let’s get started!

6 Every Product Needs These 5 Things
It can be sold between $20-$50 Small and Lightweight Proven demand for the product Beatable Competition Good Margins

7 Why These 5 Things are Important
If your product meets all of those requirements, there is no reason why it won’t be successful It will be up to you to put in the work and make it successful

8 It isn’t Rocket Science
Many people over think picking a product to sell and I don’t blame them But you don’t need to! Don’t sweat the small stuff Just follow the requirements, put in the work and you will find success

9 Let’s Breakdown Each Requirement

10 Item Can Sell Between $20-$50
This is the sweet spot that allows for good profit margins but still a lower upfront investment for the products 1000 units X $2.00 manufacturing cost = $2000 1000 units X $10.00 manufacturing cost = $10,000

11 Item sells between $20-$50 (cont.)
This price range means a couple of things: 1. This price range is in the range of impulse buys w/o outside research needed 2. The product itself is usually fairly simple Both of these things are what we like to see in a product we are selling!

12 Item sells between $20-$50 (cont.)
The most important thing, this price range usually produces good profit margins

13 2. Small and Lightweight I would say the max is 4 pounds, preferably under 2 pounds The lighter the better!

14 2. Small and Lightweight (cont.)
The actual size of the product is important too! A good reference is that if you can fit your product within a shoebox then it is small enough

15 2. Small and Lightweight (cont.)
Why is this important? The smaller and lighter the product is, the cheaper it will be to ship This will GREATLY increase profit margins This will also allow your product to be shipped by air instead of sea

16 3. Proven Demand for the Product
Find a product with a high enough demand that the reward will be worth the effort There is no point getting to #1 on Amazon if you are only going to sell 15 units a month

17 3. Proven Demand for the Product (cont.)
How to Determine Demand: Multiple products similar to yours have under a 5,000 BSR in their main category The top 3 keywords have over 100,000 combine monthly searches from

18 3. Proven Demand for the Product (cont.)
How to Determine Demand (cont.): Similar products are selling at least 300 units per month(10 a day) Use Jungle Scout to determine this

19 3. Proven Demand for the Product (cont.)
If you are interested in getting Jungle Scout, I have a special discount for everyone in the webinar Use this link here - for $15 off the original sale price

20 4. Beatable Competition We determine the level of competition from looking at the first page of Amazon when searching for our product The goal is to rank #1 in Amazon

21 4. Beatable Competition (cont.)
High demand = High competition(usually) We need to make sure we can beat out some of the people on the first page There is no point wasting our time!

22 4. Beatable Competition (cont.)
How to determine competition: The # of reviews each listing has(most important) The brands selling the products The listings themselves

23 5. Good Margins Without good margins there is no point in selling a product

24 5. Good Margins (cont.) The 3 Main Expenses: Manufacturing Costs
Shipping Costs FBA Fees

25 5. Good Margins (cont.) How can we check margins for a product?
Ask a supplier for the manufacturing costs Ask a freight forwarder for the shipping costs Use Amazon’s FBA fee calculator to determine fees All of these things can be done fairly easy!

26 Any Questions so far? I have just covered the 5 main things that each product needs to be successful on Amazon Is there any part that you want me to go more in depth about or explain further? Any questions? If so PLEASE ASK :)

27 How to Brainstorm Product Ideas

28 How to Brainstorm Product Ideas
This is something that a lot of people struggle with, and get discouraged by when they can’t find any products Let me tell you, it takes time to find good products(usually)

29 Different Ways to Brainstorm Ideas
Amazon’s best seller lists eBay Alibaba Google Keyword Planner Your everyday life

30 The BEST way to Brainstorm Ideas
In my opinion, going through Amazon’s best seller list for all of the different categories is the best way to go I used this method to find my product

31 Why I Like Using Amazon for Ideas
It is a very quick and easy way to view thousands of different product ideas in one place Also, you can quickly check important stuff about the product(BSR/# of reviews/brands selling/etc)

32 This Way Takes Effort and Time
Be prepared to put in the work but it will pay off It will be boring and at some point probably discouraging but power through and keep going, the perfect product is just around the corner!

33 Any Q’s about brainstorming ideas?
Please feel free to ask any questions regarding coming up with product ideas OR any other question you may have!

34 Improve Product over Competition

35 Improve Product over Competition
MANY people overlook doing this for a couple of reasons: They think it is too hard They don’t know how to do it They don’t think it is worth it Trust me, it is worth AT LEAST looking into as an option

36 Small Improvement = Huge Gains
Even the slightest improvement over the rest of the competition immediately makes your product the best Buyers want the best product, plain and simple

37 Not Always Possible Depending on your product it may not be possible to improve upon it. It could also cost too much to make the changes you want, which would offset the gains you would get from it

38 At Least Look In To It Before you order a product, at least look into trying to improve it over the competition It is easy to check and could pay off huge in the long run

39 Want me to do this live, right now?
Are you guys interested in seeing how to check if a product can be improved or not? I don’t want to waste your time covering something no one wants to see, so I will only do it if YOU want me to Let me know in the chat!

40 Watch me find a product LIVE
I am now going to go through the whole process of finding a product and show you all how I do it I will attempt to find a good product and answer any questions you have along the way!

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