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Best Practices in Annual Meeting Setup and MX Registration

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1 Best Practices in Annual Meeting Setup and MX Registration
April 4, The Four Seasons Baltimore "Most Likely to Succeed"

2 OBJECTIVES Planning Configuration Validation and testing
Planning for the following year Presenters introduce themselves There will be a time for Questions & Answers at the end of the material "Most Likely to Succeed"

3 Planning

4 Update / Create E-mail Template for Confirmations Pricing Structure
Planning Confirmed GL Accounts Session Titles / Times Session Speakers Update / Create Template for Confirmations Pricing Structure Desired Online Experience To be most efficient, make sure you have as much information confirmed before you get started. Robin "Most Likely to Succeed"

5 Pricing Structure Early Bird / Late Registration Prices
Promotion Codes for Specific Sub-groups Back-end Only Registration Types Cancellation Fees Robin "Most Likely to Succeed"

6 Online Experience Start from Event Calendar, or have a separate content page exclusively designed for the conference Multi-step process or long scrolling pages Jessy "Most Likely to Succeed"

7 Let’s start setting up Switch to system. Robin: Speaker Profiles
Setup shell (Event, then Meeting) Setup meeting registration start in the future so components don’t show up online while you are doing the setup Efficiency tip: Mark each element as Publish to Web = True as you create it Setup sessions first; link Speakers to Sessions as they are known; link courses if you are providing ed credits Back date the start date of your price records using bulk edit Setup registrations next; then link Sessions to packaged registration and restricted session scenarios Demonstrate the setup a guest registration that wasn’t already setup; publish to web Last, setup cancellation fees Jessy: OOB MXR2G conference registration setup uses a multi-step process Show key elements of the step-process that may be configurable Go back into the UX setup and unpublish the guest registration, then demonstrate the skip logic steps for eliminating this part of the online setup Show how to use the event link to direct the user to a separate path that leads to a more streamlined scroll-page experience "Most Likely to Succeed"

8 validation & testing Jessy:
Test typical registration scenarios online before opening the registration to the world Make registration web parts only available to Admins OR Force URL for first step Use MX Meeting Registration record to help troubleshoot issues – this can also be used to troubleshoot issues after registration is open "Most Likely to Succeed"

9 Best practices for online registration testing
Don’t keep using the same test Contact record Use Contact records with different default price levels Test all packaged session or restricted session scenarios Use valid addresses to test confirmation workflows Testing registrations before Start Date begins Jessy "Most Likely to Succeed"

Price Record Dates No overlaps No gaps Batch Date Must be within the price start and end dates Price Record is set up for all Price Levels in the system The most common causes of unexpected testing results have to do with the configuration of the price records related to the registrations and sessions Robin "Most Likely to Succeed"

Robin "Most Likely to Succeed"

12 MEETING CLOSEOUT Recognize revenue Document lessons learned
Close meeting to avoid view clutter Robin "Most Likely to Succeed"

13 Plan for next year Robin "Most Likely to Succeed"

14 Was your online registration process successful?
Lessons learned Was your online registration process successful? Will you have changes to session structure? Keep notes on issues that arise during the conference registration process that should be fine tuned or repeated next year. Robin "Most Likely to Succeed"

15 COPY MEETING First create the new Event and Meeting shell Robin
"Most Likely to Succeed"

16 Questions? "Most Likely to Succeed"

17 Contact US "Most Likely to Succeed"

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