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Assignment #3 Group 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment #3 Group 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment #3 Group 3

2 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Construction Drawings 4
Activity Pictures and Description Activities and Gantt Chart Rough Logic Diagram Pert Diagram

3 Introduction Assignment 3 was our first introduction to the process of scheduling a project. Our tasks included a work breakdown and inserting our activities into a scheduling software. Here are our results…

4 Construction Drawings

5 Frame Exterior Walls In this activity we frame out our exterior walls and all our rough openings. Once completed we tilt up walls and lock down with anchor bolts. Lastly we support the walls with diagonal bracing

6 Frame Interior Walls Once our exterior walls have been built we start to frame our interior walls. Once interior walls are up we lock them together with the exterior walls. We then square the building and brace exterior walls to interior walls with diagonal bracing to prevent racking.

7 Install Trusses Once our exterior walls and interior walls are up we begin to install the trusses. The trusses are nailed to the plates and then nailed together with supports.

8 Install Fascia Board Once we have installed our trusses we then install our fascia board. These are the boards that go around the house at the edges of the trusses to give a solid smooth finish

9 Installing House Wrap Our next activity is to put up the house wrap. The house wrap is used to provide a vapor barrier to the interior. It is installed by holding it tight to the sheathing and stapling it in place.

10 Sheathing our Roof Our next task is to sheath our roof. To do this you lay OSB and with your break points on the trusses. This squares your trusses and give you a solid surface to felt and shingle.

11 Felting the Roof Our next activity is felting in the roof. The felt is another vapor barrier. To do this you roll out the felt and cap nail it into place starting from the bottom and working your way up.

12 Shingle the Roof Once our roof is completely felted in we begin to lay our shingles. You start from the bottom and work your way up nailing the shingles into place with a nail gun making sure they are running straight.

13 Activities and Gantt Chart

14 Rough Logic Diagram

15 Pert Diagram

16 Pert Diagram Continued

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