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PowerLecture: Chapter 22 Chart Supplement

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1 PowerLecture: Chapter 22 Chart Supplement
“Protists” – The Simplest Eukaryotes

2 Protists Fig , p.314

3 Protists Fig. 22-2, p.352

4 Giardia (a Diplomonad) A Waterborne parasite
Fig. 22-3b, p.353

5 Giardia imprints on intestine
Fig. 22-3c, p.353

6 Trypanosomes (Kinetoplastids)
undulating membrane mitochondrion basal body of flagellum free flagellum nucleus Trypanosoma brucei causes African sleeping sickness T. cruzi causes Chagas disease

7 Trypanosomes (Kinetoplastids)
undulating membrane attached to flagellum red blood cell Fig. 22-5b, p.355





12 Live foraminiferan Radiolarians
Fig. 22-6, p.355

13 Body Plan of Paramecium
food vacuole food residues being ejected gullet cilia trichocysts (“harpoons”) contractile vacuole emptied contractile vacuole filled micronucleus macronucleus Fig. 22-7a, p. 356

14 Dinoflagellates Here’s one that causes “red tide”

15 Plasmodium Life Cycle Anopheles mosquitoes sporozoite sporozoites
merozoite male gametocyte in red blood cell Fig , p.359

16 Toxoplasma (an Apicomplexan)
Cysts ingested with undercooked meat Exposure to cysts from cat feces Symptoms usually mild Infection during pregnancy can kill or damage the embryo

17 Ciliate Conjugation have macronucleus & micronucleus

18 a Prospective partners meet.
Fig. 22-8a, p.357

19 b Partners physically join up, most often at their oral depression.
Fig. 22-8b, p.357

20 c The two cells undergo cytoplasmic fusion
c The two cells undergo cytoplasmic fusion. The micronucleus of each enters meiosis I. Fig. 22-8c, p.357

21 d Meiosis II follows and results in four haploid micronuclei
d Meiosis II follows and results in four haploid micronuclei. The macronucleus of each cell starts to degenerate. Fig. 22-8d, p.357

22 e In each cell, one haploid micronucleus stays intact; the other three degenerate.
Fig. 22-8e, p.357

23 f Each haploid micronucleus divides
f Each haploid micronucleus divides. Each cell will swap a daughter micronucleus with its partner. Fig. 22-8f, p.357

24 g Two micronuclei in each cell fuse, forming a diploid micronucleus
g Two micronuclei in each cell fuse, forming a diploid micronucleus. Each cell now contains genetic material from the other. Fig. 22-8g, p.357

25 h The conjugating cells disengage. The micronucleus of each divides.
Fig. 22-8h, p.357

26 i Micronuclei in each cell divide
i Micronuclei in each cell divide. Then the original macronucleus degenerates. Fig. 22-8i, p.357

27 j Each cell now has four micronuclei.
Fig. 22-8j, p.357

28 k Of the four micronuclei, two develop into macronuclei.
Fig. 22-8k, p.357

29 l Cytoplasmic division now begins, and two cells form.
Fig. 22-8l, p.357

30 m Each daughter cell contains one micronucleus and one macronucleus.
Fig. 22-8m, p.357

31 Brown Algae (Phaeophyta)
bladder blade stipe holdfast Fig c, p.361

32 Porphyra (Red Algae) Life Cycle
sporophyte (2n) zygote a b Diploid Stage fertilization meiosis Haploid Stage germinating spore (n) d male gametes female gametes c gametophyte (n) Fig , p.363





37 Life cycle of Dictyostelium discodeum
Spores Cellular Slime Mold Mitotic Cell Division Mature Fruiting Body Aggregation Acrasiomycota Amoeboid cells aggregate to form migrating mass, fruiting body Culmination Life cycle of Dictyostelium discodeum either or Migrating Slug Stage Fig , p. 381

38 Fig c, p.367

39 Fig d, p.367

40 \ Fig e, p.367

41 Fig f, p.367

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