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1. What does it mean to live “below the poverty level”?

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1 1. What does it mean to live “below the poverty level”?
to make less money than needed for food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities 2. Which TWO reasons would explain why men in Louisiana went to work for the CCC? They received training and a place to live. They had a job and could send money to their families.

2 Attorney General Lieutenant Governor
7. How is the US Supreme Court different from the Louisiana Supreme Court? Members of the LA Supreme Court are elected while member of the US Supreme Court are appointed. 8. Which TWO terms are most closely associated with the LA Executive Branch? Attorney General Lieutenant Governor 9. Which LA official is responsible for record keeping and elections? Secretary of State 10. Which court heard a case if a district court’s rulings are questioned? Appeal Court 11. Which statement explains why the government imposed the tariff? The government increased the price to encourage Americans to purchase American- made goods. 3. What world event that started in 1935 helped alleviate (end) the need for government assistance by creating jobs in the US? World War II 4. Which TWO terms are most closely associated with the Great Depression in the US? New Deal Franklin Roosevelt 5. What year did the most people in Louisiana receive government assistance? How many Louisianans received assistance during that year? 1934, 275 thousand people 6. Which statement BEST describes how the executive branch of the federal government is like the executive branch of Louisiana? Both are responsible for carrying out laws and leading the government.

3 12 . What conclusion can be made about the average Louisiana citizen’s yearly income compared with the national average income? Louisiana’s average income is lower than the US average. 13. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a market economy? Businesses can fail. 14. Economic equilibrium occurs when: Equal parts of the economy work together to make money.

4 Value of hides(in millions) Number of hides sold (Thousands)
15. What unit of measure is used for the dollar amount? millions 16. What unit of measurement is used for the number of hides? thousands 17. What year had the lowest value of hides? What was the value for that year? 1992; 6,000,000 18. What year had the greatest number of hides? What was the number of hides for that year? 2002; 240,000

5 19. Using the source, select two advantages of tariffs.
protect domestic manufacturers from overseas competition raises the price of the import and gives an advantage to domestic products within that market 20. Using the source, select two disadvantages of tariffs. Foreign nations often impose their own tariffs in response to domestic tariffs a loss of profits for domestic producers who export goods, as well as a loss of possible jobs on the domestic front

6 21. What is the subject of the political cartoon?
temperance movement 22. Which caption BEST describes the content of the political cartoon? Put an End to Alcoholic Beverages 23. What constitutional amendment prohibited the manufacture of alcoholic beverages? 18th Amendment 24. What type of tax is placed on the removal of natural resources from the land? Severance

7 25. What is the subject of the political cartoon?
the New Deal 26. Why did the cartoonist describe the New Deal by saying , “It is evolution, not revolution, gentlemen?” The New Deal gradually came about.

8 28. Which parish has experienced the greatest growth?
East Baton Rouge 29. Which statement BEST describes the population data in the table? East Baton Rouge experienced the largest population growth between 1990 and 2000. 27. What title best represents the subject of the cartoon? Education Opens the Door to the Mind



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