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Chapter 12 Advanced Intelligent Systems

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1 Chapter 12 Advanced Intelligent Systems
Turban, Aronson, and Liang Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Seventh Edition Chapter 12 Advanced Intelligent Systems © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

2 Understand second-generation intelligent systems.
Learning Objectives Understand second-generation intelligent systems. Learn the basic concepts and applications of case-based systems. Understand the uses of artificial neural networks. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of artificial neural networks. Learn about genetic algorithms. Examine the theories and applications of fuzzy knowledge. © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

3 Household Financial’s Vision Speeds Loan Approvals With Neural Networks Vignette
Loan product regulation varies in each state Develop an object-oriented loan approval system Neural network-based Fed risk, interest rate variables, customer data Estimates credit worthiness, potential for fraud Pattern recognition Integrates all loan approval phases Uses intelligent underwriting engine Reduced training time and administrative overhead Decreased managed basis efficiency ratio Upgradeable to web-based architecture © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

4 Machine Learning Acquisition of knowledge through historical examples
Implicitly induces expert knowledge from history Different from the way that humans learn Implications of system success and failure unclear Manipulates of symbols instead of numbers © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

5 Methods Supervised learning Unsupervised learning
Induce knowledge from known outcomes New cases used to modify existing theories Statistical methods Rule induction Case based and inference Neural computing Genetic algorithms leading to survival of fittest Unsupervised learning Determine knowledge from data with unknown outcomes Clustering data into similar groups © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

6 Case Reasoning Inductive Case base used for decision-making
Effective when rule-based reasoning is not Case Primary knowledge element Ossified Paradigmatic Stories © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

7 © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

8 Process Features assigned as character indexes
Indexing rules identify input features Indexes used to retrieve similar cases from memory Episodic case memories Similarity metrics applied Old solution adjusted to fit new case Modification rules Solution tested If successful, assigned value and stored If failure, explain, repair, test Alter plan to fit situation Rules for permissible alterations © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

9 © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

10 Case Reasoning Success Factors
Specific business objectives Knowledge should directly support end users Appropriate design Updatable Measurable metrics Acceptable ROI User accessible Expandable across enterprise © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

11 Human Brain 50 to 150 billion neurons in brain
Neurons grouped into networks Axons send outputs to cells Received by dendrites, across synapses © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

12 Neural Networks Attempts to mimic brain functions
Analogy, not accurate model Artificial neurons connected in network Organized by topologies Structure Three or more layers Input, intermediate (one or more hidden layers), output Receives modifiable signals © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

13 Processing Processing elements are neurons
Allows for parallel processing Each input is single attribute Connection weight Adjustable mathematical value of input Summation function Weighted sum of input elements Internal stimulation Transfer function Relation between internal activation and output Sigmoid/transfer function Threshold value Outputs are problem solution © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

14 Architecture Feedforward-backpropogation Associative memory system
Neurons link output in one layer to input in next No feedback Associative memory system Correlates input data with stored information May have incomplete inputs Detects similarities Recurrent structure Activities go through network multiple times to produce output © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

15 Network Learning Learning algorithms Supervised Unsupervised
Connection weights derived from known cases Pattern recognition combined with weighting changes Back error propagation Easy implementation Multiple hidden layers Adjust learning rate and momentum Known patterns compared to output and allows for weight adjustment Established error tolerance Unsupervised Only stimuli shown to network Humans assign meanings and determine usefulness Adaptive resonance theory Kohonen self-organizing feature maps © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

16 Development of Systems
Collect data The more, the better Separate data into training set to adjust weights Divide into test sets for network validation Select network topology Determine input, output, and hidden nodes, and hidden layers Select learning algorithm and connection weights Iterative training until network achieves preset error level Black box testing to verify inputs produce appropriate outputs Contains routine and problematic cases Implementation Integration with other systems User training Monitoring and feedback © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

17 Genetic Algorithms Computer programs that apply processes of evolution
Viability of candidate solutions Self-organized Adaptable Fitness function Measured by objective obtained Iterative process Candidate solutions combine to produce generations Reproduction, crossover, mutation © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

18 Genetic Algorithms Establish problem Generate initial set of solutions
Parameters Number of initial solutions, number of offspring, number of parents and offspring for each generation, mutation level, probability distribution of crossover point occurrence Generate initial set of solutions Compute fitness functions Total all fitness functions Compare each solution’s fitness function to total Apply crossover Apply random mutation Repeat until good enough solution or no improvement © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

19 © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

20 Fuzzy Logic Mathematical theory of fuzzy sets Imprecise thinking
Describes human perception Continuous logic Not 100% true or false, black or white Fuzzy neural networks Fuzzification Fuzzy logic applied to input and output used to create model Defuzzification Model converted back to original input, output scales Output becomes input for another intelligent system © Prentice Hall, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, Turban, Aronson, and Liang

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