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Empowerment and participation to ensure DPO’s Ownership in CBR

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1 Empowerment and participation to ensure DPO’s Ownership in CBR

2 Who We Are The Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) is a development organization, registered in 1968 with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under 468- Cairo. Today , CEOSS is one of Egypt's leading non-governmental development organizations, providing several approaches to poor communities in areas of health care, education, economic and environmental development. CEOSS addresses the needs of marginalized groups, empowering women, children and persons with disabilities to become active members of the society. CEOSS serves approximately 2 million Egyptians per year. CEOSS is currently working in 184 communities, both in rural village settings and squatter areas. Each community has an average population of 12,000 residents. CEOSS also works with around 200 NGOs and associations in poor and marginalized areas and supports seven groups of people with disabilities to establish DPOs .

3 Background and Overview : (disability in Egypt )
The number of persons with disabilities in Egypt is estimated that 13 million and 500 thousand persons with disabilities . The total number of NGOs in Egypt amounts to nearly 420 thousand, the number of DPOs is around 120 DPOs. In 2008 Egypt signed and ratified the ( UN CRPD ) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The National Council for Disabled Affairs was formed in 2012. In 2014 there was a new constitution in Egypt which included eight articles that promote the rights of persons with disabilities.

4 Background and Overview : ( CBR in Egypt )
The concept of the CBR became widespread in Egypt during the early nineties. The NGOs played a prominent role in the dissemination of this concept, the mechanisms for the practical application of the CBR strategies varied from one organization to the other, where some paid attention to the medical component while others were concerned with rehabilitation, or with implementing activities that would promote the inclusion. With the passage of time CBR changed from a work approach to projects that offer rehabilitation, medical and social services to persons with disabilities. After issuing the CBR guidelines there were concentrated efforts on the part of the NGOs to become familiar with these guides in order to develop their work, several NGOs implemented a series of trainings, in addition, some them evaluated their work according to the new guides, and other NGOs worked on setting indicators for CBR projects, but persons with disabilities was quite distant from all these efforts, and work is still being done with them as they are the beneficiaries of the CBR projects!!

5 Background and Overview : (Social movement of PWDs in Egypt )
In 2004 some of the civil society organizations in Egypt, CEOSS among them, began working on applying the rights based approach in the issues of persons with disabilities, which allowed a large space for the process of empowerment for persons with disabilities and enhancing their participation in their own developmental process. In 2014 the social movement of persons with disabilities played an important role in the inclusion of their rights in the Egyptian Constitution, as eight articles were included in the constitution which promote the rights of disabled individuals.

6 Background and Overview : (Relationship between CBR and DPOs)
Malpractices of CBR by traditional CBR workers and NGOs Many of the NGOs and CBR workers deal with the CBR from a traditional perspective that mainly depends on: Paying great attention to the rehabilitation dimension only . The NGOs and CBR workers are the experts and persons with disability are the beneficiaries of the services of the CBR. Dealing with the CBR as a project or a program limited by a time frame and targeted groups . As a result of these malpractices there is a big gap between traditional CBR and DPOs.

7 Background and Overview : (Relationship between CBR and DPOs)
The absence of opportunities for empowerment for persons with disabilities in traditional CBR Persons with disabilities did not get good opportunities to enable them of ownership of CBR so : They do not have mechanisms for participation Their weak abilities in forming community based organizations NGOs do not allow them sufficient space to enable them for ownership of CBR As a result persons with disabilities became incapable of ownership of CBR

8 Background and Overview : (Relationship between CBR and DPOs)
The PWDs /DPOs’ rejection of the term “CBR” The term CBR has been associated in the memory of PWDs with the medical or functional model of disability, because the term is linked to the word )Rehabilitation( . Even after the CBR guidelines had been issued standpoint of PWDs has not changed, they agree with the approach and content of the guidelines , but they still refuse the term. CBR Rehabilitation There is rejection among DPOs of CBR term not the concept or content .

9 Methodology of change PWDs (rights holder ) Government
Empowerment and Find out mechanism for participation Advocate for their rights Feedback about services PWDs (rights holder ) Government (Duties bearers) NGOs (supporter ) Capcity building and Leave sufficient space Capcity building / support services Monitoring the services UN declaration UN covenant on Civil and Political Rights Change Laws and Policies / public budget reallocation / services with quality standards / Building Capcity for services delivery UN covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights  Inclusive social and civil services Health Education Livelihood Social Political participation UN convention on the rights of the child UN convention on the rights of persons with disability Countries laws

10 Potential Stakeholders roles
Change policies and laws according to the UNCRPD principals fulfill Inclusive social and civil services (Health, Education, Livelihood ,Social and Political participation ) according to quality standards Have democratically mechanism to participate at different levels able to lead advocacy process for PWDs rights Have skills and knowledge about CBR as a tool for implementation of UNCRPD Government NGOs PWDs Adopt the rights based approach in their works Leave sufficient spaces to enable PWDs for ownership of CBR Capcity building for PWDs and government Platform for PWDs in their advocacy process

11 The actions taken to ensure DPO ownership of CBR
Change policies and laws according to the UNCRPD principals fulfill Inclusive social and civil services (Health, Education, Livelihood ,Social and Political participation ) according to quality standards Have democratically mechanism to participate at different levels able to lead advocacy process for PWDs rights Have skills and knowledge about CBR as a tool for implementation of UNCRPD Government NGOs PWDs Adopt the rights based approach in their works Leave sufficient space to enable PWDs for ownership of CBR Capcity building for PWDs and government Platform for PWDs in their advocacy process

12 National level Local level
PWDs Mobilization and participation Supported 2 levels for mobilizations and participation to advocate for their rights at national policies level National level Supporting PWDs at Grassroots level to be able to participate in the management of the CBR and deal with the local authorities Local level

13 PWDs Mobilization and participation
Local level : formulation Local elected committees from PWDs Supporting the process of community organizing for persons with disability in 25 local communities, so as to be able to participate in the management of the CBR and deal with the local authorities through: Raising the awareness of persons with disabilities from the rights based perspective, and the importance of their having democratically participatory mechanisms for advocate for their rights at local level . Supporting 6200 PWDs in organizing democratic elections for electing 25 elected committees, that democratic mechanism will ensure their participation.

14 PWDs Mobilization and participation
Local level : Supporting DPOs establishing Encouraged members of the elected committees to change into DPOs, but does not force them to it. In this context, CEOSS has supported eight elected committees and groups of persons with disabilities in order to form DPOs, it has provided technical and financial support for the registration of these organizations at the Ministry of Social Affairs,

15 PWDs Mobilization and participation
National level : Supporting disability national movement supported persons with disabilities to formation of an alliance composed of 24 DPOs on the level of the Republic it was named ( The Egyptian Forum for Persons with Disabilities ) , which had played a prominent role in participating in the development of the Egyptian Constitution to be inclusive

16 Capcity building development for PWDs
Capcity building development process for the elected committees , DPOs and The Egyptian Forum for Persons with Disabilities on several development issues not only in disability field , these interventions supported PWDs to : Being democratically organizations because accountability & transparency are essential for marginalized citizen’s empowerment and the realization of active social justice and effective participation. Improved their Communication and bargaining skills Improved their skills in planning, monitoring and evaluation implemented of local and national advocacy initiatives improved their knowledge and understanding on the rights and means of inclusion (CBRD, CBR ,SDGs ,etc.)

17 Supporting self advocacy process
advocacy in 2 levels Local level : supported the DPOs and elected committees at local communities to advocate for activate the laws and legislations . DPOs , ECs playing big role in bargaining with local authorities in order to building community based inclusive development National level : supported The Egyptian Forum for Persons with Disabilities to contributing on laws and policy developments The forum played a prominent role in participating in the development of the Egyptian Constitution, in addition to participating in the Egyptian disability Law issued .

18 Removing misconception of CBR
Implementation of a series of workshops to promote the correct concept of the CBR as a tool for inclusive , according to CBR guidelines for 2010 Regardless term of CBR That workshops targeted Elected committees of the persons with disabilities, members of the DPOs , Egyptian forum of persons with disability

19 The actions taken to ensure DPO ownership of CBR
Change policies and laws according to the UNCRPD principals fulfill Inclusive social and civil services (Health, Education, Livelihood ,Social and Political participation ) according to quality standards Have democratically mechanism to participate at different levels able to lead advocacy process for PWDs rights Have skills and knowledge about CBR as a tool for implementation of UNCRPD Government NGOs PWDs Adopt the rights based approach in their works Leave sufficient spaces to enable PWDs for ownership of CBR Capcity building for PWDs and government Platform for PWDs in their advocacy process

20 Capcity building development for NGOs
Through create new needs assessment tool for NGOs based on rights based approach CEOSS conducted several Capcity building workshops for 80 NGOs about rights based approach in development in order to support PWDs to : Mobilize themselves . Buildings their Capcity Involve in the process of needs assessment , planning, monitoring and evaluation 36% of the NGOs accepted the concept of rights based approach, and 64% of them refused to go forward to this approach and still working on services delivering for PWDs Implementation of several workshops to promote the correct concept of the CBR according to CBR guidelines and UNCRPD

21 New spaces for NGOs Rights based approach Encourage NGOs to Leave sufficient spaces for PWDs to ensure the ownership of CBR through find out new spaces for NGOs in filed of : Coordinate the process of mobilization of PWDs Coordinate Capcity building programs for PWDs and government In some cases Collaboration with the government in services delivering play the role of Platform for the negotiation between PWDs/ DPOs

22 The actions taken to ensure DPO ownership of CBR
Change policies and laws according to the UNCRPD principals fulfill Inclusive social and civil services (Health, Education, Livelihood ,Social and Political participation ) according to quality standards Have democratically mechanism to participate at different levels able to lead advocacy process for PWDs rights Have skills and knowledge about CBR as a tool for implementation of UNCRPD Government NGOs PWDs Adopt the rights based approach in their works Leave sufficient spaces to enable PWDs for ownership of CBR Capcity building for PWDs and government Platform for PWDs in their advocacy process

23 Supporting the government for removing barriers from social services
In order to ensure Inclusive social and civil services for PWDs , CEOSS established Small factory and Mobil unit for removing barriers, that factory lead by persons with disability themselves That team succeeded in adaptation for 35 of social services facilities to be more inclusive for PWDs

24 Building Capcity for government
Conducted several Capcity building workshops for 150 persons working at public services on several subjects : DIT disability equal training CBR guidelines Rights based approach UNCRPD

25 Support the efforts of government in CBR
- Support ministry of social affair in designing the strategy of the ministry for empowerment and rehabilitation for PWDs - collaboration with ministry of education to ensure inclusive education - collaboration with ministry of finance in designing programmatic public budget for disability program - collaboration with ministry of labor to achieved dissent job for PWDs

26 challenges The CBR guidelines for 2010 offer rights-based theoretical frameworks for equality and building inclusive communities, however, translating these into reality and practice is often cited as a challenge

27 Conclusion The empowerment is a cross-cutting issue in CBR and not just a component We need to move from CBR to CBI in order to ensure the rights based approach. CBR needs to work on two levels (the local level with grass roots organizations in order to build inclusive communities and the national level in order to develop the laws and policies for the rights of persons with disabilities).

28 Conclusion Encourage NGOs to Leave sufficient spaces to enable PWDs for ownership of CBR is essential

29 Block 1331 Dr. Ahmed Zaki Street, El Nozha El Gedida, Cairo, Egypt
Block 1331 Dr. Ahmed Zaki Street, El Nozha El Gedida, Cairo, Egypt P.O. Box , El-Panorama, Cairo, Egypt. Tel: /6/7/8 Fax : Website:

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