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II Acoustic Reality II.4 (F Sept 21) FM, Wavelets, and Physical Modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "II Acoustic Reality II.4 (F Sept 21) FM, Wavelets, and Physical Modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 II Acoustic Reality II.4 (F Sept 21) FM, Wavelets, and Physical Modeling

2 Sound anatomy Classical Joseph Fourier (partials/overtones) ~ 1800 Frequency Modulation (FM) John Chowning ~ 1970 Wavelets (Jean Morlet et al.) ~ 1984 Physical Modeling (Claude Cadoz et al.) ~ 1989

3 Sound anatomy John Chowning Yamaha DX7 modulator carrier w(t) = Ac + A1 sin(2.ft+Ph1) + A2 sin(2.2ft+Ph2) + A3 sin(2.3ft+Ph3) +... W(t) = Ac + A1 sin(2.ft+Ph1 + A2 sin(2.2ft+Ph2 + A3 sin(2.3ft+Ph3))) carrier modulator modulator

4 Sound anatomy Classical Joseph Fourier (partials/overtones) ~ 1800 Frequency Modulation (FM) John Chowning ~ 1970 Wavelets (Jean Morlet et al.) ~ 1984 Physical Modeling (Claude Cadoz et al.) ~ 1989

5 Sound anatomy different wavelet types

6 g(t) = C.exp(-t2/2).cos(wt) ga,b(t) = g((t-b)/a)
Sound anatomy g((t-b)/a) g(t) = C.exp(-t2/2).cos(wt) ga,b(t) = g((t-b)/a)

7 a,b parameter selection
Sound anatomy sound function a,b parameter selection

8 Sound anatomy a musical example a b octaves

9 Sound anatomy Classical Joseph Fourier (partials/overtones) ~ 1800 Frequency Modulation (FM) John Chowning ~ 1970 Wavelets (Jean Morlet et al.) ~ 1984 Physical Modeling (Claude Cadoz et al.) ~ 1989

10 There are three basic types of physical modeling:
Sound anatomy There are three basic types of physical modeling: Mass-Spring: Classical systems of point masses that are connected by springs, e.g. Chordis Anima Institute ACROE Grenoble, ICMC 1994. Modal Synthesis: Modeling of different sinusoidal components that are experimentally determined, e.g. Modalys~Mosaic at IRCAM. Waveguide: Propagation of waves in a medium, such as air or string, e.g. at Stanford’s CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics), commercial on YAMAHA’s VL-1

11 Yamaha‘s VL70m

12 Singer Synthesis: Perry Cook
Sound anatomy: physical modeling of the human voice Singer Synthesis: Perry Cook

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