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2 BACKGROUND Legal Background: KEDAN is a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Ghana on the 18th of August, 2014 with registration number CS The company was issued with a Certificate to Commence Business on 18th August, 2014 and authorized to engage in the business of Agricultural activities. Business Focus: Agribusiness as its main business line. Engaged in maize milling as well as large scale commercial farming via nucleus and out grower farming system. The crop cultivated is mainly Maize (white and yellow). Our services: Farm input Credit and Commercial Farming. Maize milling/Processing. Design and implementation of viable technology based agricultural projects Tractor mechanization services Post harvest services-Threshing/shelling and Warehousing Commodity aggregation and marketing. Our product range: Maize grits | Maize flour |Fortified Maize Flour | Maize Bran | Whole white Maize | Yellow maize |Soya bean. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The fortified maize flour is suitable for porridges and maize based meals as it contains minerals and vitamins premixes that will take care of the nutritional needs of our consumers especially children between 5months to 6 years and breastfeeding mothers.

3   OUR SUCCESS STORY: Our business model provides ready employment or jobs to small holder farmers and their families and ensures they make profit as well ; Thus our business model has both a profit and social intervention motive. In order to further create a credible, reliable, profitable and sustainable ready market source for our farmers, KEDAN in collaboration with WAFM/DFID/UKaid challenge fund has set up a 20ton per day maize milling factory/production line at Tumu, Sissala East District of the Upper West Region. With this factory in place, Farmers are assured of on a yearly bases a reliable market source for more than 7000 metric tons of their produce which translates to injecting GBP1,516, into the pockets of the farmers and in the local community we operate in. This has further eliminated the problem created by middlemen who end up cheating the farmers by dictating the price to farmers and leaving them poor all the time. The farmers also are saved from criminals who under the pretext of accepting farmer’s produce at major market centres like the Techiman maize market, located in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana to sell at high price for them but end up running away with the farmers’ maize and money thus aggravating their poverty situation. The KEDAN/WAFM Collaboration has enabled Kedan to provide farm inputs, capacity building, tractor mechanization services to 500 farmers in the 2017 cropping season to cultivate 800 hectors(2000 acres) of maize. Before this collaboration, KEDAN could only support 200 farmers who cultivate 200 Hectares of maize.

4 CONT……. Yield per Hectare (HA) from 2.4MT/HA (before WAFM collaboration) to 5.2MT/HA (with WAFM collaboration). As a result of the collaboration, KEDAN staff strength has increased from 7 to 23 and still counting. The collaboration has created over 5000 indirect jobs to other players along the chain; farm helps, laborers, input suppliers and dealers, artisans, truck drivers, etc). In the year 2017, 470 tons of maize was traded between Ghana and Burkina Faso.

Access to credit/finance for financing both upstream Agriculture(Agro processing etc.) and downstream Agriculture(farming/crop production) in Ghana is a major challenge, it is mostly not available but if even available it is at harsh conditions and at an interest rate that can end up collapsing your business and making you highly indebted to the banks. Hence, KEDAN needs a funding option that is flexible, patient and above all at a much realistic and relatively low interest rate and good conditions. ACTIVITY/PURPOSE QUANTITY RATE(GBP) AMOUNT(GBP) Working capital to purchase 5000MT of raw maize from 10,000 farmers to feed factory. 5000 224.71 1,123,550.00 Working capital to purchase farm inputs to cultivate 6000 HA using 6000 smallholder farmers over a 2 year period. 6000HA 240.80 1,444,800.00 Packaging materials for raw and finished products. 7,000MT 19.26 134,820.00 Office completion. 1 unit 32,000.00 Office equipments 12,000.00 Pellets for stacking stock. 1000 PCS 19.00 19,000.00 Factory yard completion works. 1 SET (200FEET BY 200FEET) 16,000.00 Tractor and implements. 10 36,918.00 369,480.00 Planters. 2,000.00 20,000.00 500MT Silo system. 1 UNIT (500MT) 70,000 70,000.00 Construction of 10,000MT capacity warehouse. 10,000MT WAREHOUSE 100,000.00 Drip irrigation system for 800 HA pilot bases. 800HA 1128 902,400.00 100 MT per day maize processing factory Line in our expansion drive. 100MT/24 PLANT 500,000.00 Primary evacuation trucks to distribute inputs to farmers and to cart produce from farm to factory. 3 SETS 80,255 240,765.00 Secondary evacuation trucks (Articulator trucks) for carting goods from Factory to market centers. 5 24,077.00 120,385.00 2.5 Ton and 5 ton forklift machines 2 8,720.00 17,440.00 5 ton manual forklift 700 35,000.00 TOTAL 5,157,640.00



Factory Location : Plot Nos. 28,29, 30&31 Block B. Bibinning Residential Area,Tumu-Upper West Region. Tel : (+233 ) / Web : | VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION THANK YOU.

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