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MBEDDED SOFTWARE SYSTEMS Spring 2004 Spring 2004 Prof. Brian L. Evans

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1 MBEDDED SOFTWARE SYSTEMS Spring 2004 Spring 2004 Prof. Brian L. Evans
EE 382C-9 MW 11:00 am–12:30 pm MBEDDED SOFTWARE SYSTEMS Spring 2004 Prof. Brian L. Evans Spring 2004 This course presents modern methods for specifying, simulating, and synthesizing embedded systems, with a focus on dataflow models that are simultaneously well-matched to all three tasks. Examples of embedded signal processing and communications systems are emphasized. Students build system designs using and evaluate design methodologies in Ptolemy Classic and Ptolemy II from UC Berkeley, Advanced Design System from Agilent, and LabVIEW from National Instruments. Pre-requisites 1. Algorithms (e.g. EE 360C Algorithms) 2. Object-oriented software design (e.g. EE380L-5 Engineering Prog. Languages) 3. Embedded real-time software design (e.g. EE345L Microprocessor Applications & Org. or EE345S Real-Time Digital Signal Proc. Lab) Grading Project: % Midterm 1: % Midterm 2: % Homework: % The project provides a great opportunity to be more involved in research. 20% of the projects completed in the course have been published as IEEE/ ACM conference/journal papers. No final exam. Course Web site is

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