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AMS : A COSMIC RAY OBSERVATORY ON THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION Carlo Bosio INFN - Roma ‘La Sapienza’ University Susy 2004 - 19 June 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "AMS : A COSMIC RAY OBSERVATORY ON THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION Carlo Bosio INFN - Roma ‘La Sapienza’ University Susy 2004 - 19 June 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMS : A COSMIC RAY OBSERVATORY ON THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION Carlo Bosio INFN - Roma ‘La Sapienza’ University Susy June 2004 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

2 AMS 02 AMS 02 Detector Outline: The Experimental Apparatus
General Characteristics Detector Component AMS Physics Program: particles, N, g AntiMatter Search Dark Matter TRD Gas Cont.System Electronics 3 x 3 x 3 m3 7000 Kg AMS 02 Detector November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

3 AMS 02: General characteristics:
Mechanical and geometrical characteristcs Minimum amount of matter (X0) before ECAL Acceptance 0.5 m2.Sr -> anti-He search Velocity measurement Db/b = 0.1 % to distinguish 9Be,10Be, 3He,4He isotopes. Rigidity R= pc/|Z|e (GV) proton resolution 20% at 0.5 TV and Helium resolution of 20% at 1 TV. Antihelium/Helium identification factor 1010. Multiple and independent measurements to reach performances required : |Z| measured from Tracker, RICH, TOF. Sign of charge Z measured from tracker (8 points). Velocity b measured from TOF, RICH. Hadron/electron separation from TRD, ECAL. Detector requirements : Suppress proton background 10 -6 Tracking up to 1 TV November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

4 AMS 02: General Characteristics
Experiment in International Space Station (--> Constraints for launch and space): Environment (day/night: T~100oC) > Thermal Launch: --->Vibration (6.8 G RMS) and G-Forces(17G) Limitation : Weight ( lb) and Power (2000 W) Vacuum: < Torr > Cooling.. Reliable for more than 3 years > Redundancy Radiation: Ionizing Flux ~1000 cm-2s-1 Orbital Debris and Micrometeorites Must operate without services and human intervention November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

5 AMS 02: Detector Transition Radiation Detector : p+/e+ < GeV 20 Layers Fleece mm Straw Drift Tubes (Xe/CO2) Time Of Flight Upper 1,2 : trigger,  scintillators, st =~120ps Superconducting Magnet : Rigidity up to 1 TeV BL2 = 0.85 Tm2 V=0,6m charge separation,  Tracker (8 layers) : Charge separation 3double +2single sided silicon strips, 6m2 Time of Flight Lower 3, p+/e+ >3s <2 GeV scintillators,Dt =~120ps RICH : ,Z2 He3,He4,B,C A<27,Z<28 Radiator (Aerogel,NAF ) s GeV Electromagnetic Calorimeter :e, to 1 TeV, p+/e+ < 10 -4 Lead+scint. Fibers, 324 R7600 PMT’s (4 pixels) November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

6 AMS 02 : Star Tracker ASTC0 ASTC1 ASTC1 ASTC0 November 22, 2018
Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

7 AMS: A TeV Magnetic Spectrometer
November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

8 AMS Physics program Precision measurement on charged
particles and nuclei: e±, , p± , 3,4He, B, C, 9, 10Be, elements Z< GeV – TeV range High Energy Cosmic Gamma ray astrophysics (GRB, SN,..) Direct search for cosmic antimatter (antihelium - sensitivity 10-9 ) Indirect search for non barionic Dark Matter Exotics (strangelets, mquasars,..) Total statistic expected > 1010 events. November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

9 AMS: Completeness of g, p, e+
_ AMS will have the unique possibility to measure in space, with the same detector g, anti-p, e+ spectra it will be the only experiment in space able to make an extensive test of the neutralino based dark matter scenario. No other detectors, planned or operating will be able to do this measurements Cosmic Rays Fluxes _ November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

10 The Primordial Antimatter content of the universe is unknown
Cosmic anti matter The Primordial Antimatter content of the universe is unknown (..if there is any at all…) Cobe excludes < 20 Mpc Single anti-He or anti-C nucleus in CR is a strong evidence of anti matter domains or anti stars Presently, no antinucleus Z>2 has ever been found in CR Very Large statistics of primary cosmic rays on a large energy/rigidity range Particle Identification including charge sign reconstruction and redundancy A high energy physics detector in space for a long period is necessary November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

_ He AMS: Cosmic Antimatter PRIMORDIAL ANTIMATTER He anti-He Comparison AMS-01 AMS-02 PRIMORDIAL ANTIMATTER Limit on antihelium 1 year data taking November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

12 Indirect Dark Matter Search
• Universe Matter budget ~ 95 % is Dark  non baryonic • SUSY provides an excellent WIMP candidate – neutralino : 01 mixture of the superpartners of the neutral Higgs and EW gauge bosons Indirect limits from LEP: M>40GeV 0101  qq- , W+W-, H+H-, ...  p, e, n, p-, anti-D, , e+, lost (identifying particles) Completeness of AMS-02: (all the four possible complementary channels) p- : Excess at High Energy ( > ~ 5GeV) D- : Excess at E < 1 GeV e + : Structure in Spectra above few GeV  : Energy Spectra differ from “power laws”, or  line detection 0101  , Z (1st loop) Measurements possible because background very well known November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

13 Indirect  detection   < v > 2/m2  g(propagation)
SUSY Parameters dependence < v > (st times relative neutralino’s velocity) tan=50 tan=5 mc~ 0.4 m1/2 Coupling and mass spectrum Lower sensitivity for heavier  masses W. de Boer et al, hep November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

14 Indirect  detection   < v > 2/m2  g(propagation)
Astrophysics/Cosmology dependence: Clumpiness ” Dark” halo profile (NWF, CR&M,etc) rc Propagation parameters W. de Boer et al, hep November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

15 DM searches with positrons
Sensitivity to exotic flux greater than E2( Precise measurement of the energy spectrum after 3 years ~1% stat error at 50 GeV. ~30% stat error at 300 GeV rejection e+/p > 105 November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

16 DM searches with positrons
Heat Data : a bump in energy at 7 GeV, no standard astrophysical interpretation of e+/e- energy distribution Precise data extended to higher energies will be provided by AMS MSSM simulation for AMS-02 need high “boost factors” m  GeV m  336 GeV Based on the work of E.A. Balts et al. 99 large boost factor needed November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

17 DM searches with anti-protons
Prospects with AMS-02 after 3 years Secondary anti protons flux Background rejection : p /p > 106 , e-/p Up to 300 GeV November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

18 DM searches with anti-protons
M=964 GeV (4200) M=777 GeV (1200) Sizable effects: Primary p ,from  annihilations Background secondary p November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

19 Dark Matter -  ray g     
Detection rate (source) :   N v 2 (r) dl() d m2    los SUSY Astrophysics • diffuse D M : galactic as  , e+ , p-, D-, Direct Detection extragalactic • source D M : - Galactic Centre (G. C.) of Milky Way - Nearby Spiral Galaxies : e. g. M31, M87, or clouds: LMC, SMC - Dwarf Spheroidals : e. g. DRACO - Globular Clusters :  - centauris, Palomar13  Enhancement factors from cuspy halos, clumpiness or/and SBH November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

20  AMS-02  Two complementary detection modes : November 22, 2018
Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

21 Exposure of the Galactic Center
AMS-02  108 cm2s Field of View One year sky coverage * * ExtraGalactic  spectrum ECAL +  stand-alone trigger LMC Exposure of the Galactic Center * * AMS-02 3 Y measurements Galactic diffuse  spectrum TRD+Tracker November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

22 AMS-02  Msugra results: Integrated flux from the Galactic Center in the focus point, region for two NFW profile parametrizations R0 = 8.0 kpc, r0 = 0.3 GeV/cm3, a = 20 kpc R0: distance earth - GC; r0: halo density at R0 : R0 = 8.5 kpc, r0 = 0.4 GeV/cm3, a = 4 kpc a: core radius November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

23 Susy DM: summary AMS offers: g
Precise measurements of all particle spectra Measurements of Nuclei fluxes for propagation model Wide range of SUSY annihilation products. Potential gain in sensitivity by combining them Could provide benchmark data to validate models November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

24 Conclusions AMS is a High Energy Physics detector in space foreseen to operate on the ISS for 3 years Most of the sub-detectors will be ready by end 2004 Detector integration in 2005 Global Thermal-Vacuum test at ESA (Nordwijk, NL) end 2005 / beg. 2006 Then AMS is ready for launch The cosmic rays, including gamma, will be measured with a high accuracy from the GeV to the TeV range , to search for: Antimatter Dark Matter Cosmic Ray Fluxes and propagation High Energy g sources All the physics channels are measured in the same conditions and simultaneously, which will give a strong constraint on models and increase the potential of discovery. Unique opportunity to perform Dark Matter searches November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

25 The End November 22, 2018 Carlo Bosio SUSY 04

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