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Susan Shandley Educational Projects Manager

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1 Knowledge into Action Service redesign to improve the delivery of Musculoskeletal (MSK) services
Susan Shandley Educational Projects Manager NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

2 MSK Services Background and Context
12.25 million days are lost due to MSK disorders In Scotland physiotherapists treat 271,000 MSK patients per annum MSK conditions are a major cause of chronic disability and one of the commonest reasons for referral to secondary care. 69% (18,000) of people on orthopaedic waiting lists don't go on for surgery Policy 18 week Referral to Treatment Standard ( S.G. 2008) 4 week Referral to Treatment Standard ( AHP National Delivery Plan, SG 2012 ) Also a developmental HEAT target 2013 to 2014 Quality Strategy ambitions Redesign to improve delivery of MSK services Self referral into AHP services AHP led MSK delivery model

3 Evidence Search and Synthesis
Consensus Conference ( May 2010) to review evidence base for self referral Reduced waiting times by cutting out GP referral delays Improved patient access and satisfaction and quicker treatment Lower levels of work absence Cost efficiencies of up to £2 million compared to GP referral Increasing self care and self management Reducing complications with early intervention Synthesis to support redesign of patient pathway Centralise system of self referral into pathway via telephone triage (NHS 24) Advice on self management Electronic referral to local MSK clinic Appropriate interventions delivered or sign posted by AHP team

4 Actionable knowledge Patients ( self management resources)
NHS inform - Musculoskeletal Zone MSK phone app with links to employability services, and healthy working lives Digital TV via NHS 24 digital TV Channel Podcasts Musculoskeletal advice and triage service NHS 24 AHPs CD ROM - MSK Redesign National Guidance pack (also on web based platform)

5 Relational use of knowledge
MSK Community of Practice National MSK Programme Board National MSK sharing days Twitter Blogs

6 Building Organisational Capacity and Culture
In the redesigned MSK pathways AHPs are the initial point of contact for patients and therefore their roles require to be extended. Critical success factor Training to be undertaken to develop Advanced Practitioner (AP) skills for AHPs to enable delivery of redesigned MSK services AHP Advanced Practice Education and Development Framework (NES) Provides national guidance on the capabilities expected of AHPs working in AP roles within MSK services for each of the four pillars of practice Clinical Leadership Facilitation of learning Research and evaluation

7 Building Organisational Capacity and Culture
AHP Advanced Practice Education and Development Framework Evidenced based Pilot and wide consultation Development Needs Analysis Tool Direct to appropriate training and resources Workshops in every NHS Board to implement the framework Learning opportunities 485 AHPs benefited from NES funding Completed evaluation report Challenges with implementing learning into practice

8 Building Organisational Capacity and Culture

9 AHP Advanced Practice(Musculoskeletal) Website
Actionable knowledge Education and Development Framework Learning activities Podcasts Educational resources – formal education, general resources and reference materials Relational use of knowledge Sharing practice Profession specific resources and links to forums NHS Board MSK contacts

10 Building Organisational Capacity and Culture

11 Getting Knowledge into Action
The redesigned MSK service was implemented prior to the Knowledge into Action model however The process undertaken with MSK uses many elements of the change package and maps closely to some of the stages Pilot with future projects

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