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Phylum Mollusca Lecture 10.

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1 Phylum Mollusca Lecture 10

2 General Characteristics
Bilaterally symmetry Visceral Mass- contains organs Mantle- secretes the shell and lines it

3 General Characteristics Con’t
Exception is cephalopods have closed circularoty system Radula usually present (tongue) Protostomes (_________________)

4 3 Main Classes of Mollusca
Gastropoda Bivalvia Cephalopoda


6 “___________ ______________”
Gastropoda “___________ ______________” Snails, Slugs, Nudibranchs, Conchs, Whelks, etc. 35,000+ species

7 Freshwater, Marine, or Terrestrial
_____________________________ Move by secreting mucous with cilia or use muscular foot

8 Gastropod Anatomy

9 Torsion Protection - Shelter 180 degree rotation of visceral mass
Significance: allows the snail to retract it’s head into the shell first and it’s foot last.


11 Interesting Facts! Land snails can lift ten times their own weight up a vertical surface (like a wall). Largest Snail = Giant African Land Snail Can weigh 2 pounds!

12 Gastropod Feeding Herbivores, parasites, or predators _______________: tongue-like organ that scrapes algae or other plant-like material

13 Radula

14 Some predatory gastropods have radula modified to pierce prey
Example: ________ __________

15 Gastropod Respiration
Gas exchange occurs in mantle cavity ______________________________________________________ ___________- inhalent tube Where water enters body

16 Gastropod Circulation
Have open circulatory system Blood not contained w/in vessels; instead it washes over the body tissues Blood acts as a _______________ _______________ Protection surrounding organs

17 Nervous System Nerves concentrated into large ganglia Most ganglia located in head region (*___________________ ____________________________) Simple or complex eyes (______

18 Nervous System Con’t *________________________________________________________________________________ Osphradia- chemoreceptors that help to detect prey

19 Digestive System Nephridium- kidneys
______________ = primary nitrogenous waste produced in aquatic species (same as higher order) __________________ = primary nitrogenous waste produced in terrestrial species (_______________ __________________________)

20 Reproduction Can be monoecious or dioecious
Usually exchange sperm and cross fertilize In mantle cavity ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21 Snail Sex!

22 Importance _____________________ ____________________________________________

23 Class Bivalvia

24 General Characteristics
Includes clams, oysters, mussels, scallops __________________________________________________________ Hence “Bi-valvia”

25 30,000+ species Clams! Marine and Freshwater Mostly filter feeders

26 Interesting Facts! Largest bivalve -734 pounds and 4’ long… whoa!
Ocean Quahog can live to be 220 years old!

27 Bivalve Respiration Incurrent and Excurrent Siphons ________________________________________________________ Gills greatly expanded and cilliated (___________________________)

28 Circulatory System Open Circulatory System Blood not contained w/in vessels Blood “washes” over body tissues by action of the beating heart

29 Bivalve Feeding and Digestion
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Labial palps filter out food particles Non-edible particles flushed out through the excurrent siphon

30 Nervous System Ganglia located in: Esophagus Mantle Posterior Adductor Muscle

31 Nervous System Con’t Most sensory organs are located in the margin of the mantle ______________________________________________________________________________

32 Reproduction Mostly Dioecious - ____________ ____________________________ Gonads located in visceral mass Fertilization occurs in open water

33 Economic Importance Mmm Tasty! Pearl production Multi-billion dollar industry

34 Class Cephalopod

35 General Characteristics
Octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus ___________________________ Have tentacles Use jet propulsion Closed Circulatory System

36 ______________________
Cephalopod Shell ______________________ Internal in squid (pen) and cuttlefish (cuttlebone) Absent in octopusses


38 ________________ Use siphon for jet propulsion
Squeeze mantle cavity forcefully Sometimes have external “wings” used to help steer


40 Feeding Active predators __________________________
Food captured by tentacles and brought to mouth Jaws and radula used

41 Respiration & Circulation
___________________________ 3 Hearts Blood is contained w/in vessels Respiration through gills High metabolic rate

42 Nervous System Very large brain Advanced, large eyes __________________ Chemoreceptors Chromatophores-pigment cells

43 Some display bioluminescence: use ATP to light up
__________: brown or black ink

44 Reproduction _____________________ Males have testes and packed sperm in spermatophores All larval development occurs in the egg

45 Yummy food source- calamari Bait
Economic Importance Yummy food source- calamari Bait

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