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Why School Days Should Be Shorter

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1 Why School Days Should Be Shorter
Ayron Lewis November 13, 2017 8th Hour Speech I

2 Introduction Who wants to keep waking up early at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning and you possibly missed you alarm? I know going to school every day from 8:00 am – 3:20 pm is a lot. Then on top of that we get this massive pile of homework on us. I believe something needs to change with the time.

3 Background Information
Want to know who invented school? Horace Mann invented it. He was an American politician and education reformer. He promoted universal public education and teacher training. He was named Secretary of the new Massachusetts Board of Education in He’s recognized for his leadership in transforming the country’s education system. Some schools in the United States are named after him.

4 Reason 1: Sleep Deprivation
Studies show that ¼ teens go to bed after 11:30 pm on weeknights. You experience stress and your performance in school is low. Teens who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be inattentive, impulsive, hyperactive, and oppositional Sleep supports you brain processes The brain reviews information that you retrieved during the day so it can be easier to remember for later

5 Reason 2: Limited Amount of Power
Students can’t be themselves We’re forced to sit in class for 50 minutes doing work and makes students care less about even coming to school or even just skip certain classes Grades will be lower If school days were shorter, kids wouldn’t want to skip class Grades will be higher

6 Reason 3: Extracurricular and Studying Time
When school is over and done doing our extracurricular activities, we don’t really get enough time to do homework, study, enjoy family and friends, look at social media, eat, take a shower, and sleep (I really hope you at least take a shower the next morning) Long hours of school causes stress and we slack off on doing work if we’re trying to fit a whole bunch of stuff to do on a tight schedule If you hours were shorter, we could enjoy our lives and be stress free Students, teachers, and administrators could all be stress free

7 Counter Argument Parents and other school systems feel like we need more hours so we as students can get more learning time on the subjects we have. Our tests scores could be high after all the hard work. Also, teachers feel like there isn’t enough time in classes to learn.

8 Conclusion The information I provided you were valid reasons on why school days should be cut short. Schools all over should just be cut short so we can enjoy life. Stress is something nobody should want to go through. I hope you had a connection with this presentation and agreed with me. Thanks for listening.

9 Sources

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