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Plot, Conflict, Antagonist & Protagonist

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1 Plot, Conflict, Antagonist & Protagonist

2 All stories have five parts that make it complete (Plot): Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution

3 Exposition Exposition is the portion of the story in which the setting, characters, and conflict are “exposed” or introduced to the reader. The Hunger Games takes place in the future society called, Panem. She volunteers to take her sister’s place in a competition called, “The Hunger Games.” The winner is the only survivor.

4 Rising Action The rising action is the longest part of the story. This is where the character(s) work through a series of events to solve the problem or conflict. Complications arise which causes suspense.

5 Climax This is the highest point of interest; the turning point. One or more conflicts are resolved. This is the pivotal scene where we learn whether or not Katniss will survive.

6 Falling Action Falling Action shows what happens to the characters after the Climax and the main conflict is resolved. (Not always present in short stories)

7 Resolution This is where the “final” outcome of the story is revealed.
Katniss and Peeta survive and return to their district.

8 External - A conflict between two opposing forces.
Conflicts A conflict is a struggle that makes a story interesting. They may be: External - A conflict between two opposing forces. Character v. Character Character v. Group Group v. Group Character v. Natural Force (Nature) Internal - A character struggles with an internal problem (head) such as shyness, confusion, a difficult decision, dealing with a traumatic event, anxiety, etc.

9 External Conflict Character vs. Character Character vs. Nature
Character vs. Group Group vs. Group

10 Internal Conflict An internal conflict occurs within a character’s mind. It may be a fear, addiction, a difficult decision, memories, loss of a loved one, or prejudice, etc.

11 Antagonist vs. Protagonist
A protagonist is the main character in a drama. The antagonist is the main character’s chief opponent.

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