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Wireless Epidemic The wireless epidemic (Nature 449, 287- 288; 2007) by Jon Kleinberg ‘Digital traffic flows not only over the wired backbone of the Internet,

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Epidemic The wireless epidemic (Nature 449, 287- 288; 2007) by Jon Kleinberg ‘Digital traffic flows not only over the wired backbone of the Internet,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Epidemic The wireless epidemic (Nature 449, ; 2007) by Jon Kleinberg ‘Digital traffic flows not only over the wired backbone of the Internet, but also in small leaps through physical space as people pass one another on the street’ New Communication Paradigm  Opportunistic Networks Haggle EU FP6: New communication paradigm using dynamic interconnectedness SOCIALNETS EU FP7: Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation

2 Pocket Switched Networks
Topology changes every time unit Node 35 is a hub Human-to-Human Use of dynamic human connectivity Human contact in proximity communication a crowd and/or urban space Two snapshots showing ...change of interactions among people’ daily life There are hub nodes.. If you want to get a map where you are you ask the network to get it. Proximity nodes hold sufficient information: each device may keep part of map. In collaborative way, the requesting node can obtain the map. This could be done via the infrastructured communication…but not necessary. When you need a suggestion on a critical matter, you ask certain people…ask the audience many times gives the best answer.

3 Inter Contact Time of Pair Nodes
Power law distribution (+ exponential decay) cutoff Time We have worked on the characteristics of Inter-contact time. Let’s say read and blue nodes are interacting. The green arrow indicates inter-contact time, while black arrow indicates contact time. This is an important attribute for designing forwarding algorithms in opportunistic networks. The power law distribution of inter-contact time indicates, the feasibility of opportunistic forwarding protocol based on such short interval of meetings among most of nodes. 3

4 Social-Based Forwarding
RANK: Centrality based: Global and Local ranking of popularity LABEL: Community based BUBBLE RAP: Combination of centrality and community Use of social hubs (e.g. celebrities and postman) as betweenness centrality and combining community structure for improved forwarding efficiency Metrics and Forwarding: Can flood, or multiple copies along multiple paths, blindly. Or can forward on only one or few paths based on community. Metrics for preferred forwarding neighbours can be clique based on distributed detection, or on explicit label

5 Data Driven Complex Network Research
Large scale abstract models Capture large scale human contact traces Scale Free Networks Human Contact Networks Physics Mathematics Sociology Communication Computer Data Driven Modelling Small World Networks Small scale empirical work Robust Epidemic Routing Epidemiology To summarise Computer communications and systems research is my expertises... Physicists and mathematicians have done large scale abstract models of networks in depth but rarely related them to real data across a wide set of scales Epidemiology have done small scale empirical work on human networks It is important to integrate all these approaches from different disciplines to make a real progress The proposed research takes a multidisciplinary approach, that where I can make a critical contribution I am confident that I can deliver this ambitious goal... SIR Model Analogue to Epidemiology Infectious Disease 5

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