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Chapter 2: Groups Definition and Examples of Groups

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Groups Definition and Examples of Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Groups Definition and Examples of Groups
Elementary Properties of Groups

2 Definition Binary Operation
Let G be a set. A binary operation on G is a function that assigns each ordered pair of elements of G an element of G. That is for each

3 Definition : Group

4 Abelian Group A group G is called an Abelian Group if
ab=ba for all elements a,b in G. G is called non Abelian Group if ab ≠ ba for some a,b in G.

5 Examples 1/

6 Examples 2/

7 Multiplication table for {1,-1,i,-i}

8 Examples 2/

9 Examples 3/

10 Examples

11 examples

12 examples This is a non Abelian group

13 examples

14 examples The group U(n). Note that U(p)={1,2,3,…,p-1} if p is prime

15 The following examples are not groups:

16 examples

17 The group SL(2,F) Then SL(2,F) is a group under multiplication of matrices called the special linear group. For example SL(2,Z5)

18 The group GL(2, Z5)


20 In a group G, there is only one identity element.







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