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Metals, non metals and ionic compunds

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1 Metals, non metals and ionic compunds
Need to know

2 Metals Good conductors of heat and electricity
Rather like many nuclei in an electron bath- the electrons are delocalised This produces metallic bonds- the delocalised electrons are attracted to the nuclei. Give up electrons Group 1 give up one electron Group 2 and most of the transition metals give up two electrons They form positively charged ions- cations

3 Metals II Metals are malleable- they can be beaten into thin sheets
They are ductile- can be stretched into wires As the nuclei move, the delocalised electrons are free to move between them, so the metal doesn't break. The lustrous finish of metals is also due to these electrons. The light bounces off them, making the metal look shiny

4 Non metals Form negative ions- anions
They gain electrons in reaction with metals Share electrons when bonding with other non metals Are poor conductors of heat and electricity- think about how tightly the electrons are held in

5 Ionic bonding Metal to non-metal The metals give up electrons
The non- metals gain electrons They form a hard lattice These are ionic compounds High melting and boiling points The rigid lattice cracks and breaks when struck – they are brittle

6 Naming ionic compounds
The metal ions use the name of the element are always stated first Non metals use the name of the element but have a suffix applied to them- usually ‘ide’ So compounds with oxygen are termed oxides One involving chlorine are called chlorides

7 reactions Reactions are involved in everything- recycling in natural systems, growth, movement, manufacture Atoms present in the starting chemicals are rearranged and change partners New substances are produced These will have different properties to their constituent parts So the melting and boiling points will change and the colour, ability to hols a charge and their ability to conduct heat will change

8 signs Signs of reactions can include Loss of the original substsances
Colour change Bubbling A solid precipitate forms The temperature changes Light or other energy is released An odour

9 Combustion Combustion reactions are used because they produce lots of heat, which we can use List three things which we use as fuels Combustion produces water and CO2

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