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Pictorial lesson in MSK

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Presentation on theme: "Pictorial lesson in MSK"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pictorial lesson in MSK
H Lord

2 History What will you ask?

3 History Acute / chronic
Current symptoms: pain, stiffness, swelling, distribution of jts Other systems involved Impact on pt’s life

4 Examination What will you examine and how?

5 Examination Introduce
Inspect – symmetry, skin changes, nails, muscle bulk, swelling Feel – temperature, swellings ( boney, fluctuant, tender, rubbery,) Move – actively, passively, ROM Assess jt function – arm raising, eating, gait, etc

6 What hand deformities do you know?
OA RA Other arthropathies?

7 Heberden’s nodes

8 Bouchard’s nodes

9 Node?

10 X ray appearance

11 What type of arthritis?

12 RA – list the deformities


14 RA

15 Arthritis? Psoriatic arthrits

16 Psoriatic arthritis

17 Describe this knee

18 X ray correlation

19 Charcot’s arthropathy
Type 1 or 2 DM diabetic neuropathy is always present and quite severe. Typically, the foot suddenly becomes very swollen and warm to touch . The patient can recall no history of trauma or only a very minor episode (eg. twisted the ankle a few weeks ago). The first clue to the diagnosis is the disproportionate lack of pain. The second clue is the slowness of recovery. (i.e the swelling does not go away). X-ray at this stage may be normal or show a minor fracture but may already show quite gross bone destruction.

20 What other Dx might this pt have
HPOA – Lung CA

21 Otherwise known as?

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