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Do Now – 5/9 & 5/10 Step 1: Please hand in your completed PARCC Unit 7 Packet into the back bin NEATLY and CAREFULLY. Step 2: Show Me What You Know!

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now – 5/9 & 5/10 Step 1: Please hand in your completed PARCC Unit 7 Packet into the back bin NEATLY and CAREFULLY. Step 2: Show Me What You Know!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now – 5/9 & 5/10 Step 1: Please hand in your completed PARCC Unit 7 Packet into the back bin NEATLY and CAREFULLY. Step 2: Show Me What You Know! Step 3: Do Now on your packet! HW: Finish debate prep for BOTH SIDES for your revolution! Show Me What You Know! (10 min) Do Now/Opening Discussion (10 min) Read & Annotate: Actions of Enlightened Leaders (20 min) Rank & Reason: Actions of Enlightened Leaders (20 min) Human Spectrum (10 min) HW Part 1 (5 min) Exit Ticket (5 min)

2 Biography Analysis Goal: Were the revolutionary leaders truly “enlightened,” as evidenced by their actions? Step 1: Read and annotate the provided biography of the revolutionary leader that corresponds to the primary source you read last class. UNDERLINE for actions of the leader, then write the action in YOUR OWN WORDS (limit 7 words!) on the front of your packet. Step 2: Evaluate these actions. Which ones are most exemplary of this leader? Star three. Then, write these three actions on the spectrum on the back of page 1, and defend why that action does or does not reflect the enlightenment.

3 HUMAN SPECTRUM Where does your leader stand in terms of the extent to which he reflects the enlightenment? Stand on the line on the floor that corresponds to that leaders actions in general. Be prepared to defend your answer!

4 HW Part 1 Write one sentence that describes the role of your leader in your revolution. Share! Get two more so you have one sentence describing each leader. FOR HW: Find three quotes from any source (Rev. Overview, Primary Source, Leader Bio) that support that your revolution DOES and DOES NOT reflect the enlightenment. Make sure to explain!

5 Exit Ticket On your packet! Handing in today: Nothing – make sure you get your class work stamp! HW: Finish debate prep for BOTH SIDES for your revolution!

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