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4.4.6 Gradients in the Quasi-Fermi Levels

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1 4.4.6 Gradients in the Quasi-Fermi Levels
- At equilibrium, there is no gradient in the Fermi level EF In the steady state, there is a gradient in the quasi-Fermi level due to drift and diffusion The total electron current becomes: (4-51) (4-52a) Modified Ohm’s Law (4-52b)

2 first performed in 1951at Bell Telephone Laboratories
4.4.5 The Haynes-Shockley Experiment (Please read Section 4.4.5) classic experiment demonstrating the drift and diffusion of minority carriers first performed in 1951at Bell Telephone Laboratories independent measurement of the minority carrier mobility and diffusion coefficient Figure 4—18 Drift and diffusion of a hole pulse in an n-type bar: (a) sample geometry; (b) position and shape of the pulse for several times during its drift down the bar.

3 Figure 4—19 Calculation of Dp from the shape of the p distribution after time td. No drift or recombination is included

4 Figure 4—20 The Haynes–Shockley experiment: (a) circuit schematic; (b) typical trace on the oscilloscope screen.

5 Chapter 5 Junctions p-n junctions metal-semiconductor junctions heterojunctions Junctions Fabrication Equilibrium conditions Biased junctions; steady state conditions Reverse bias breakdown Transient and AC conditions Deviations from simple theory p-n junctions Strong qualitative understanding of the properties of p-n junctions Know how to use the mathematics of p-n junctions to make calculations Goals

6 5.1 Fabrication of p-n junctions
Major process steps (Please read Section 5.1) Thermal Oxidation Diffusion Rapid Thermal Processing Ion Implantation Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Photolithography Etching Metallization Crystal Growth and Wafer Preparation (Chap.1) Process Simulation Process Integration

7 Figure 5—10 Simplified description of steps in the fabrication of p-n junctions. For simplicity, only four diodes per wafer are shown, and the relative thicknesses of the oxide, PR, and the Al layers are exaggerated.

8 5.2 Equilibrium Conditions
What will happen if we bring a p-type semiconductor and a n-type semiconductor together to form a junction? Based on knowledge gained from previous chapters, we expect: Initially, current will flow due to diffusion No net current can flow across the junction at equilibrium An internal electric field E will build up as a result of uncompensated donor ions (Nd+) and acceptor ions (Na−) The electric field gives rise to a Contact Potential V0 across the junction E=-dV(x)/dx The Fermi levels will be aligned at equilibrium

9 Figure 5—11 Properties of an equilibrium p-n junction: (a) isolated, neutral regions of p-type and n-type material and energy bands for the isolated regions; (b) junction, showing space charge in the transition region W, the resulting electric field % and contact potential V0, and the separation of the energy bands; (c) directions of the four components of particle flow within the transition region, and the resulting current directions.

10 5.2.1 The Contact Potential A step junction—uniform p-doping on one side of a sharp junction and uniform n-doping on the other side. (vs. graded junction) W  transition region, or space charge region, or depletion region V0=Vn-Vp contact potential qV0  built-in potential energy barrier x direction is taken from p to n

11 The derivation of V0 At equilibrium, the drift and diffusion currents must cancel for each type of carrier. For hole current, (5-4a) Rearrange Eq. (5-4a) to obtain (5-4b) Using Einstein relation and E(x)=-dV(x)/dx , Eq. (5-4b) becomes (5-5) Integration over the junction limits (5-6)

12 The derivation of V0 (cont’d)
Since Vn-Vp=V0,, Eq. (5-6) becomes (5-7) If we consider the step junction to be made up of material with Na acceptors/cm3 on the p-side and a concentration of Nd donors on the n-side, we can write Eq. (5-7) as: (5-8) Another useful form of Eq. (5-7) is (5-10) (We used equilibrium condition pnnn=ni2=ppnp in getting Eq. (5-10))

13 5.2.2 Equilibrium Fermi Levels
Since we have assumed that pn and pp are given by their equilibrium values outside the transition region, we have (5-11a) (5-11b) (5-12) (At equilibrium) When bias V is applied to the junction, the potential barrier is raised or lowered from the value of V0 the Fermi levels are shifted with respect to each other by the amount of eV

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