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Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service.
shhh Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service. Thank you!

2 No Food or Drink Allowed in the Sanctuary, Except Water Bottles.
Thank You For Your Co-operation

3 Thank You For Everything You Do!
DADS Happy Fathers Day! Thank You For Everything You Do!


5 and youth and their families
Rock Solid Ministry Youth Grad Dinner All Grads (grades 5, 8 & 12), and youth and their families are invited to Banwell This Saturday, June 24th @ 6:30pm Sign up on the list in the foyer. Please bring a dessert

6 there is a Play room at the for parents and children
Parent Reminder: there is a Play room at the back of the Sanctuary for parents and children

7 Wednesday evenings @ 7 p.m.
Do you currently or have you had a mental health experience and feel that you are alone? This care group provides a safe, loving place where you can talk about your feelings, burdens and experiences knowing that others will stand beside you. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wednesday 7 p.m. For more information contact

8 Mary Martha Ministries (M&M - Woman’s Ministry)
Women - We are looking for volunteers to make or purchase a meal for a Banwell family who may have just come home from the hospital, are ill, a new mom or are grieving, etc. Please sign up today!

9 July 17th – 20th 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Ages 4 - 10
$10/child or $25/family Registration forms on bulletin board in foyer

10 Men’s Breakfast Meeting list outside the library
Saturday, June 24th 8:30 am Car wash to follow the Breakfast. All volunteers are invited for breakfast.  *Please sign up on the list outside the library *Freewill offering

11 CAR WASH Banwell Men’s Ministry Annual
Saturday, June 24th, 2017 10:00 am – 1:00 pm BCC Volunteers are needed to wash cars. Please sign-up on sheet in the foyer. Materials will be supplied, but feel free to bring along a wash mitt or sponge if you have one.​

12 Volunteers Needed to help out during the summer.
Children's Church Movie and Snack Volunteers Needed to help out during the summer. Please check available dates on the sign up sheet in the foyer

13 Salad and all the fixing
Sunday, June 25th … right after the morning service Banwell’s Annual Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Salad and all the fixing will be provided… Freewill Offering Just Bring a Lawn Chair!

14 New Small Group - Crisis
Crisis in 1 way or another is in all of us.   If you’ve dealt with crisis in one way or another and feel called to meet with others to explore this in a life application and Biblical setting, then here is an opportunity for you to consider.   Tracy Bevington will begin a 4 week session designed to help persons explore recovery and purpose from crisis.  Sessions begin in June and will be Held at the Church, on Wednesdays @ 6:30pm If you are interested please speak to Tracy directly or contact Dave or Marlee Page.

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