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Market Strategy Event 21 August 2017

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1 Market Strategy Event 21 August 2017
Andrew Spice, Simon Willson and Monika Gandy

2 Today Objectives To review current progress and confirm the areas of agreement; To sign off our vision and principles for the care market; To explore a number of areas related to market shaping in more detail; and Agree next steps Working Together Respect all points of view Make contributions focused and concise Keep to time Work together to ensure we make best use of our time

3 Catching Up – Some Detail
We’ve held a number workshops with stakeholders across the system – we have sent you the notes of these Ongoing and face to face conversations with many of you to tease out issues and ideas We have meet with a good representative group of service users We’ve looked at what other councils and relevant organisations are doing in this area We’ve done some thinking and analysis work and have a feel for what this strategy needs to address, but we remain certain that this is the start of a journey so will not contain all the answers but is starting to bring clarity as to what needs to be done and why We seem to agree on the areas that need to be progressed but we are less clear about how we might address some of these things

4 Service User Feedback: Future Care Market
Truly personalised solutions (need and ability) meeting individual outcomes Independence- Helping Adults and Carers to Help Themselves ‘Invest in the future, allow me to go into the workplace and back into the community’. Personal Budgets- enabler of flexibility, independence & empowerment Assessments and Understanding key to truly personalised solutions and services Improved Brokerage Accessibility of Mainstream Services and Information Communication & Engagement of Adults and Carers by Providers, ECC and Others and Communication Between Services Technological Inclusion Affordability of Services and Solutions Safeguarding

5 Service User Feedback: Co-Production
‘True co-production is about changing power so that it sits with us (citizens). It involves empowering all those who use the services and their carers.’ Build More Effective Ways of Co-Producing; Advocacy and Trust; Equal Partners, Inclusion, End to End Involvement Engage Locally; Face to Face Engagement Involving Providers and Social Workers in an Open Forum; Relevant and Timely Information in All Formats Tailored to Individual Needs; Consider Paying for SU Expertise

6 Building Blocks (1) Sustainability, Resilience and Investment
Personalisation Independence, Prevention, Early Intervention and Recovery Integration Innovation, Technology and Good Practice Enabling Good Business Workforce Quality and Quality Management

7 Building Blocks (2) We have already identified and committed to some actions in many of these areas in existing work programmes We need to develop some further actions today The challenge will be prioritisation, co-ordination and where to focus We think the bold strokes might be……

8 Bold Strokes – Now? Fully commit to and act to ensure providers are fully part of the system – true partnership and collaboration Decisive action to aid recruitment and retention of care workers perhaps acting more locally to support providers in this area Ensure ‘the system’ works together to help providers continue to upskill and develop good care workers, care managers and leaders Explore an Investment and funding approach that helps develop a more stable and sustainable market and supports the improvements we need to make Improve the basics – e.g. paying providers and improving hospital discharges

9 Bold Strokes – Tomorrow?
Greater focus on framework providers and the development of appropriate strategic partnerships with other key providers For other sectors of the market ‘stimulation’ of a wider choice of services and solutions that may be a mixture of business models and more localised Continue to improve the quality of the market – an ambition to have all registered providers rated as good or outstanding by 2021 A market that is focused on independence and prevention but also to supports early intervention, recovery and keeps people independent

10 Vision and Principle Final comments can be recorded throughout the morning on post-it notes and stuck up on the wall

11 Exercises Two sessions (40 minutes each) with a break in between
Then we will take feedback as whole group Each topic has 2 facilitators and a helper who will guide you through what we are asking you to do Keep focused and on-time Think about this from the whole system perspective as well as your own organisation – what do I need to do and what do I need others to do? This is about shaping the future market so the answers need to be focused on what we need to do to support and develop the market

12 Next Steps We need to write the strategy itself and get your feedback and comments on this It needs to be ‘actionable’ It needs to pass the ‘provider test’ how does this help me run, develop and/or stabilise my business; and can I see what I need to do next? Sign off and continuation

13 Closing Comments

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