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Periodic, Annual Reviews and Transition Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic, Annual Reviews and Transition Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic, Annual Reviews and Transition Procedures
Section 9 Facilitator’s Notes: This section reviews how the Global Outcomes process, including the determination of the Child Outcomes Summary Rating, fits within the requirements and procedures for Annual Reviews and Transition. Handouts needed for Section 9: Periodic, Annual Reviews and Transition Procedures Noah’s Case Study – Periodic Review and Transition Pages Periodic, Annual Reviews and Transition Procedures

2 Key Principles Addressed:
4. The early intervention process, from initial contacts through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to reflect the child’s and family members’ preferences, learning styles and cultural beliefs. Facilitator’s Notes: This section of the training, Periodic Reviews and Transition, aligns closely with the fourth Key Principle for Early Intervention Service Provision.

3 Key Points The entry rating is completed at Initial IFSP meeting or first IFSP Review after the child is six months old Global Outcomes are discussed at every IFSP review The Global Outcomes page along with the rating is completed at every annual IFSP The exit rating, along with the progress question for each outcome, is completed at the IFSP meeting in which the transition plan is developed The exit rating is reviewed and finalized within 90 days of the child’s exit from early intervention Facilitator’s Notes: Review with participants.

4 Periodic Reviews Review entire plan
Add any new information in the pertinent IFSP section, dating it with the date of the review Review individual IFSP outcomes on each outcome page Progress made toward outcome If outcome was met or not met Reflect on the related global outcome Review Strengths and Needs on the Global Outcomes page Add new information if any Do not re-determine rating, if already established Do not ask “yes” “no” progress question Determine rating if this is the initial rating for a child over 6 months old If new outcome is identified, develop new plan of action, including identifying related global outcome Review Early Intervention Services page and adjust frequency or add new service if determined needed by the IFSP team Facilitator’s Notes: Handout: Noah’s periodic review (example) Using Noah’s IFSP Plan of Action pages as an example, review how an existing IFSP outcomes is reviewed and progress noted. An COS rating is NOT determined at a periodic review, unless this is the first IFSP meeting held after the child is 6 months of age. The child’s strengths and needs information is reviewed as a part of the Periodic review and may be updated, as with any information on the IFSP.

5 Annual Reviews Develop a new IFSP, including IFSP Outcomes
Background Information Evaluation or Assessment Results Family Assessment Concerns and Priorities Global Outcomes IFSP Outcomes/Plan of Action EI Services and IFSP Agreement Completing family assessment using a tool is not required, but is allowable Family assessment information must minimally be reviewed and updated A different method of family assessment may be used, such as the FACETS “Getting to Know Your Child” if desired. IFSP Outcomes Review existing IFSP outcomes Develop new IFSP outcomes Align with global outcomes Document Strengths and Needs Ask progress question Determine rating (not reported to Office of Special Education Programs) Facilitator’s Notes: Handout: FACETS Getting to Know your Child (Resource) An entirely IFSP plan is developed annually, including the Global Outcomes strengths and need and the COS rating and asking the progress question for each Global Outcome. An evaluation or assessment tool is NOT required to be used for annual COS ratings. Family assessment, using a tool, is not required annually, but information obtained through a conversation with the family must be documented on the family assessment pages and a tool MAY be used. Some communities are using the FACETS Getting to Know your Child as a way to gather family information on an annual basis and to support the family’s involvement in the process. This can be given to the family prior to the annual IFSP meetings, then reviewed and the information documented on the IFSP at the meeting.

6 Transition Procedures
Develop transition plan at an IFSP meeting between 2 yrs, 3 months and 2 yrs, 9 months Convene transition conference during same time frame Review IFSP Outcomes Global Outcomes Complete with a “preliminary rating” at the transitional IFSP meeting and enter into the UNICORN Provider, parent and service coordinator finalize rating during the 90 days (federal requirement) before the child’s third birthday or exit from early intervention services Rating includes the “yes” “no” progress question Finalization of rating may be done at a face to face meeting or through alternative means, such as phone conference, calls or . All participants (as noted above) must be involved in the discussion If the “preliminary” rating has changed, it must be updated in the UNICORN and on the IFSP form and a copy provided to the family SC assures that parents understand this process Facilitator’s Notes: Handout: Noah’s case study – transition plan (example) Review the transition plan for Noah. Note that the information contained on the transition plan is just as individualized and “meaty’ as that in the rest of the plan. The focus at this point of the IFSP process should be on what EI can do to assure the child’s success in whatever setting he will be transitioning into after EI, and preparing the family for the transition. A transtion plan is developed for any child transitioning from EI, regardless of whether they are eligible for preschool special education services. The global outcomes page is completed at the last IFSP meeting prior to the child’s third birthday, including the COS rating and the progress question for each global outcome. This is considered a “preliminary” exit rating. The preliminary exit rating is entered in the UNICORN. The rating is then reviewed by the members of the IFSP team (family, SC, providers) during the 90 days prior to the child’s third birthday. If the rating changes, it is updated on the IFSP form and in the UNICORN. Note that the global outcomes continue to be measured when the child leaves early intervention services if they continue on with preschool services, but are not integrated into the IEP form.

7 Wait … what just happened?
Conclusion Wait … what just happened? We await your feedback! Facilitator’s Notes: This training contains a lot of information. The EI Colorado GO4IT! Team is very interested in how you plan to use these training modules and materials. These modules are posted by module under the GO4IT button on the EI Colorado website. Please contact your EI Team lead for support to help you work through any issues!

8 Credits – all materials modified or used with permission
Illinois Early Intervention Training Program Resources ECTA (Early Childhood Technical Assistance) Center IFSP Outcomes: Lucas, A., Gillaspy, K., Peters, M. L., & Hurth, J. (2014). Enhancing recognition of high quality, functional IFSP outcomes. Retrieved from Maryland State Department of Education Early Childhood Intervention & Education Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) in Washington State Universal Online Part C EI Curriculum Facilitator’s Notes: Much of the information contained within these training sections was modified with permission from other states.

9 GO4IT State Team Contacts
Lenita Hartman Laura Merrill Wayla Murrow Tracy Sperry Facilitator’s Notes: This is the contact information for members of the EI Colorado Program Initiatives Team (GO4IT!)

10 Thank you for spending the day with us and agreeing to pilot this new process!
Facilitator’s Notes: Thank participants for being a part of this new and exciting initiative for Colorado!

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