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Presentation on theme: "GEOMETRY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Geometry What did the acorn say when he grew up? Polygons Circles
Congruency Similarity Points Lines Planes Geometry What did the acorn say when he grew up?

3 •D •B •N Point A position in space, has no size only location
D, B and N represent points

4 Line AB represents a line Continues without end in opposite directions
• • A B AB represents a line

5 Plane A flat surface that extends in four directions

6 Segment DE represents a segment
Part of a line made up of 2 points and all the points of the line between the 2 points • • D E DE represents a segment

7 Ray Part of a line consisting of one endpoint and all the points of the line on one side of the endpoint F G FG represents a ray

8 How could you describe geometrically the position of the moon, earth, and sun during a solar eclipse?

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