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Ex. 52-53: Respiratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Ex. 52-53: Respiratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ex : Respiratory

2 Upper Respiratory

3 external nares (nostrils)

4 nasal cavity

5 nasal septum

6 perpendicular plate

7 vomer bone

8 internal nares

9 Nasal conchae superior middle inferior

10 Paranasal sinuses

11 ethmoid

12 frontal

13 maxillary

14 sphenoid

15 hard palate

16 pharynx

17 nasopharynx

18 oropharynx

19 laryngopharynx

20 larynx

21 epiglottis

22 thyroid cartilage

23 arytenoid cartilage

24 corniculate cartilage

25 cricoid cartilage

26 Vocal cords False vocal cord True vocal cord

27 glottis (opening)

28 Lower Respiratory Tract

29 trachea

30 carina

31 respiratory Tree

32 primary bronchi

33 secondary (lobar) bronchi

34 tertiary (segmental) bronchi

35 intralobular bronchiole

36 terminal bronchiole

37 respiratory bronchiole

38 alveolar duct

39 alveolar sac

40 alveoli

41 lungs

42 lobes

43 Right lung 1 – 3 lobes 2 3

44 Left lung 1 – 2 lobes 2

45 RESPIRATORY MUSCLES KNOW the muscle involved in normal and forced ventilation


47 diaphragm

48 external intercostals

49 sternocleidomastoid

50 pectoralis minor

51 scalenes


53 internal intercostals

54 rectus abdominis

55 external oblique

56 internal oblique

57 Transverse abdominis

58 parietal pleura Outer surface Contacts ribs

59 pleural cavity Space between

60 visceral pleura Inner surface Covers lung Like cellophane

61 Next: Ex. 54 & 55 Breathing & Respiratory Volumes

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