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Chp3 Tutorial: Prob 3.15 Solution

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1 Chp3 Tutorial: Prob 3.15 Solution
Engineering 25 Chp3 Tutorial: Prob 3.15 Solution Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer



4 4

5 Quick Solve by Anon Use Anonymous Function to very Quickly Solve for rmin

6 fminbnd Command fminbnd finds the minimum of a function of one variable within a fixed interval. Syntax for this case [x,fval] = fminbnd(fcn,x1,x2) [x, fval] = fminbnd(fcn,x1,x2) returns a value x that is a local minimizer; i.e., xmin. of the function that is described in fcn over the interval x1 < x< x2. fval is the minimum value of the function for the corresponding minimizing x; that is fval = fcn(xmin).

7 The Function File area3_15.m

8 The Command Session

9 The Sensitivity Plot +10% on Amin r →  1.49 – 2.35 in
~21.37 ~1.49 ~2.35 +10% on Amin Amax = 1.1* = in2 r →  1.49 – 2.35 in

10 Comments The 10% increase in Amin Results in These Changes for rmin
-23% for rlo +24% for rhi Thus The change in Area is less than half the change in r. A is NOT very Sensitive About the Minimum Point

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