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Solubility Curves.

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Presentation on theme: "Solubility Curves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solubility Curves

2 Saturated solutions Solutions in which additional solute cannot dissolve and excess solute will precipitate. Maximum amount of dissolved solute at a given temperature and pressure. Unsaturated solutions Solutions that are not yet saturated, i.e. the solvent can still dissolve a further amount of solute. Supersaturated solutions: Sometimes, under special circumstances, a solvent can dissolve more than its maximum amount This can be achieved by heating a solution, saturating it at a higher temperature, then allowing it to cool Unstable solutions, any disturbance will usually cause rapid precipitation of the excess solute

3 Solubility UNSATURATED SOLUTION more solute dissolves
no more solute dissolves SUPERSATURATED SOLUTION becomes unstable, crystals form concentration

4 Mind Maps In partners, create ONE mind map using the following terms:
solubility solute saturated solution unsaturated supersaturated heterogeneous solvent aqueous solution homogeneous precipitate temperature

5 A solubility curve is a plot of solubility versus temperature.
The line represents a saturated solution. Points below the line represent unsaturated solutions. Points above the line represent a supersaturated solution.

6 Solubility Curve for Ionic Compounds

7 Solubility Curve for Gases

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