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The Expanded Core Curriculum: Finding the Time

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1 The Expanded Core Curriculum: Finding the Time
Kathleen M. Huebner, Ph. D. Pennsylvania College of Optometry KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

2 A Quick Review of What is Included in the Expanded Core Curriculum
Compensatory Skills (Braille; listening skills; handwriting skills; abacus) O&M Social Skills Independent Living Skills Recreation and Leisure Skills Career Education Assistive Technology Visual Efficiency Skills (NA-1995) Changes Additions: compensatory or functional academic skills, including communication modes And self-determination KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

What Itinerant Teachers Report as Most Time Spent on Expanded Core (CO) Braille Reading and Writing (listed on survey) Nemeth Instruction Braille Preparation Independent Living Skills O&M Vision Utilization (not listed on survey) Technology Training Materials Adaptation Large Print Production (Suvak 1999) KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

What Itinerant Teachers Report as Most Time Spent Teaching NON-Expanded Core (CO) Math Language Arts (Suvak 1999) KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

5 Additional Responsibilities and Time Consuming Activities
Communication-Teachers-Parents-Administrators Travel Report preparation/paperwork Assessment Reinforce students’ other needs--MH Other Expanded Core areas-social skills, career education, recreation/leisure Materials ordering Professional development AND… MEETINGS KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

6 Current Concerns of 70 Experienced Teachers (TX)
Keeping up with required paperwork Arranging a balanced schedule Keeping up on morale and confidence For a long time there has been concern about the feeling of isolation that may be experienced by service providers who work on an itinerant basis. What are you going to do to keep your morale up? Stay in contact with others USE your MENTOR Collaborate with peers and other disciplines Cell phones are a blessing and a burden – easier to be connected but adding more complications KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

7 Another Suspected but Unreported Time Eater
TUTORING ! This is a very difficult concept for many of us.. We believe in intervention, we believe in helping, and we want our student to do well KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

8 How to Make the Best of the Time We Have

9 Strategies to Make Best Use of Limited Time
Teach Only Expanded Core Do Not Tutor Examine Your Strengths and Weaknesses Develop Appropriate and Shared Responsibilities-- Other Teachers/ Aides/Parents Increase Team Effectiveness Examining your strengths and weaknesses is critical. You must evaluate yourself and remediate your weaknesses …don’t teach to your strengths and avoid what your not comfortable with. Co-teach or link activities across disciplines to facilitate meeting ECC goals. A lot of people feel this is one of the pitfalls of dual certification – that you end up teaching one discipline (or area) in lieu of the other KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

10 Teach Only Expanded Core
Be convinced Be determined Be resourceful--in other words YOU have to make it happen Be firm Keep records – document/plan/and evaluate progress in areas of ECC KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

Avoid Tutoring Ask the question-- Does student need help because the visual impairment is impeding learning? If yes--teach If no--defer to other teacher, personnel, peer tutor, parents Realize that deferring to other may take time….giving training, practical examples, providing necessary materials, etc but will benefit the student in the long run. The student will be able to befit from quality instruction on a daily basis..not just when your there KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

12 Examine Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Be honest with yourself--Identify your weaknesses--its between you and yourself--not the world Weaknesses result in lack of confidence, slowness to accomplish tasks, and defensiveness Weaknesses result in inefficiency and ineffectiveness Identify to me always meant either writing it down or saying it…….and then making a plan to remediate KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

13 Change Weaknesses into Strengths
Develop strategies and a plan to change weaknesses into strengths Seek out constructive ways to strengthen your skills and professionalism Work independently and seek out support where needed ASK FOR HELP- Mentors, Respected co-workers, ESC personnel KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

14 Weaknesses Changed into Strengths
Recognize your improvements Note that tasks now take less time Note that you now have more confidence in your decisions and the quality of your work Note that you no longer procrastinate or resist doing what used to be weaknesses Recognizing your improvements is also very important. As you change your weaknesses into strengths you also move from services to programming KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

15 ADD OTHERS TO YOUR TEAM Reauthorization of IDEA (1997)
Parents as members of the team Participation of regular educator Parents are the expert on that individual child KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

Develop Appropriate and Shared Responsibilities-- Other Teachers/ Aides/Parents Model--teach in the regular classroom Provide positive reinforcement Observe students in their regular classes…even snippets of time can tell you a lot Provide formal and informal training Teach your students to direct others for meaningful information-self advocate KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

17 Appreciate Other’s Diversity
Culture Education Socio/Economic Status Response to having a child with a disability Confidence Trust Lifestyle Responsibilities KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

18 Keep an OPEN MIND and HEART
Don’t bring old baggage into the relationship Approach each new relationship with parents with a positive approach Find out parents’ perspectives, beliefs, strengths, realities of lifestyles Have high--yet realistic--expectations for not only your students but their families as well KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

19 Facilitate Parent Participation
Keep an OPEN MIND and HEART Consider parents’ individuality/diversity See parents as child’s mentors/teachers Consider parent’s perspective Give information to the parents through various means and modes KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

20 Parents as Teachers/Mentors
“When my son was born blind, I didn’t get enlightened as to how to teach him everything, but he is my fourth child, I know some things about raising children. Respect me but help me.” KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

Parent’s Perspective “Teachers are not always hearing what I’m saying. I see my child at home and I know what he can do and can’t do. Why don’t the teachers believe me when I tell them I see things they don’t?” KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

22 Give Parent’s Information
“Don’t just tell me to do it, explain how.” “Taking classes made me feel better, like I know something.” “Parents need resources too!” “You have no idea how good it made me feel when you asked me to help teach the mom of the new VI child at the school.” KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

23 Increase Team Effectiveness
Build & maintain positive relationships Maintain close contact Communicate a sense of teamwork Don’t complain Be a good listener Neither intimidate nor be intimidated See others’ perspectives Ask questions KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

Team Goals Group move toward common goal Each member needs a clear purpose Team members directed toward a goal that may not be clear to others KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM

25 Support Comes From Many
Within yourself (UP TO YOU) Family and friends (90%) Students (80%) Special education teachers (61%) Other Vision Teachers (53%) Parents (52%) Administrators (46%) Regular Classroom teachers (40%) Community (26%) (Seitz, 1999) KMH/PCO CORE CURRUCULUM


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