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From across the pond Some learning from my WCMT travel fellowship

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Presentation on theme: "From across the pond Some learning from my WCMT travel fellowship"— Presentation transcript:

1 From across the pond Some learning from my WCMT travel fellowship
Tamsin Stirling Presention for Locked Out Seminar 31 January 2018

2 A bit about me & my fellowship

3 Things are different, things are the same
Scale of youth homelessness Homelessness systems & funding streams Terminology Complexity Attitudes Safety nets Reasons for youth homelessness

4 Speaking truth to power
Young people making their voices heard National/state-level advocacy National Youth Forum on Homelessness (US) California Homeless Youth Project California Forum for Youth Organisation/service level groups

5 Examples of services Holistic support services for LGBT youth including temporary housing (Los Angeles) Volunteer host homes for LGBT youth (Minneapolis) Toni’s House - privately funded for young women with onsite supportive roommate and casework support (Calgary) Rogers Home – for sex trafficked young women (Toronto) Emergency housing for young people from the age of 12 (Sacramento) Housing First for Youth – as early intervention and prevention (Edmonton) Upstream Project in schools (prevention)

6 Some great resources Homeless Hub – run by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Making it better now for LGBTQ2S youth experiencing homelessness Definition of indigenous homelessness Canadian Alliance for Ending Homelessness – conference presentations &

7 The role of coalitions A Way Home Canada
‘coalition partners work together to support communities in planning and implementing solutions and engage government and the general public in supporting A Way Home’s vision to prevent and end youth homelessness in Canada’ A Way Home America ‘a national initiative to build the movement to prevent and end homelessness among young people’ Alliances of funders – A Way Home Canada funders’ table

8 A Way Home America: 100 day challenges

9 A Way Home Canada: plans

10 Business sector engagement

11 The youth homelessness ecosystem in Canada
Research Policy development Influence/advocacy Demonstration partners Funders Not perfect or totally inclusive but organisations play to their strengths

12 Reflections What do we need in Wales to move away from managing youth homelessness to ending it? What role might there be for: plans/strategies to end youth homelessness at national/local levels? better data? more/different research? youth voice – speaking directly to power? improved/different alliance(s)? more engagement/strategic engagement of business/private sector? more strategic approach to funding by foundations? me - how can I be the best ally?

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