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Standards of Proof for the Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

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Presentation on theme: "Standards of Proof for the Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards of Proof for the Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
Dr. H. Paul Shuch, Executive Director The SETI League, Inc.

2 A New Paradigm

3 Hallmarks of Artificiality
Sidereal Motion Spectral Coherence Doppler Signature Frequency Selection Information Content

4 Project Argus Status Non-professional observers 1200 members
60 countries 100 active stations Hundreds under construction

5 Project Argus Worldwide

6 Basic Verification Steps
Equipment Diagnosis Self Diagnosis Independent Confirmation Open Communication

7 Twelve Step Program sound engineering practice objective analysis
exact station location verify proper operation promptly report changes time and frequency standards

8 Twelve Step Program calculate sidereal motion
test for terrestrial origin record time, frequency, amplitude report pertinent observations attempt to verify signals no premature announcements

9 Remember Cold Fusion? Pons and Fleischmann Premature Announcement
Results Not Verified Loss of Credibility

10 Experimental Error Type One: False Negatives Type Two: False Positives

11 The EQ Pegasi Hoax Signal detection claimed by an anonymous hacker who broke into a closed SETI League signal verification list.

12 16 Argus dishes 2000 sq ft Test Bed FUDD Array2K

13 How To Reach Us
1 (800) TAU-SETI

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