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Teach Physics Internship Programme

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1 Teach Physics Internship Programme


3 Background AIM: To increase the number of physics graduates choosing to train as physics teachers Set up in 2010: 11 interns in 5 schools Since: placed over 300 interns 2018: 77 schools offered 114 places currently have 63 interns placed

4 Participants Schools: Interns: State schools
Reputation for strong physics teaching Enjoy a link to the Ogden Trust Current/Former Partnership Schools Connected to Ogden Outreach Officers Interns: Physics/Maths/Engineering/Computer Science Undergraduate/Postgraduate EU/Permanent Residents

5 The School’s Responsibilities
Host intern(s) for 4 – 5 weeks at end of Summer Term Interview intern Host an induction day for intern(s) Apply for DBS clearance for intern(s) Provide mentor and clear timetable for intern(s)

6 The Ogden Trust Deals with all administration
Publicises programme through all networks/universities etc. Recruits interns and assesses applications Shares relevant information with schools Pays interns (£300/week outside London) Pays schools administration fee and DBS costs Provides support throughout

7 The Intern(s) Responsibilities
Observe and assist with all aspects of teaching Plan and deliver their own lesson (towards placement end) Create a new one-off curriculum-based activity Give/lead a physics careers’ presentation/workshop Run/assist with extra-curricular clubs/activities Work with pupils with SEN and/or on G&T register Participate in general school activities e.g. lunchtime duty

8 Concluding the Placement
Interns must submit: Time-sheet - signed by supervisor (for payment) Endorsement form - signed by supervisor Feedback form - both school and intern - to help improve programme Reflective diary - for interns - to help self-evaluation Careers workshop presentation

9 Teach Physics Interns 2010 – 2016
Where are they now?

10 Moving forward Piloting Early Career Teacher Development Programme

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