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Do Now Heading: Newton’s 1st Law

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Heading: Newton’s 1st Law"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Heading: Newton’s 1st Law
Turn in your homework from last night Write the heading in the table of contents Write the homework in the homework log Open your journal

2 How Can You Win Tug o War You are the red team in this game of tug o war. The blue team has already set up and it is your job to help your team get in position to win. What position would you put each player in to win this game? Write at least 3 sentences to explain your choices and draw your winning diagram.

3 How Can You Win Tug O War In your groups, share your winning idea.
It is your job to pick one idea that everyone agrees on to present to the class

4 Unbalanced Forces Balanced Forces
Today’s Vocabulary Unbalanced Forces Balanced Forces

5 Unbalanced Forces

6 Balanced Forces

7 Balanced or Unbalanced
1) Draw the diagrams in your journal. 2) Calculate the Fnet. 3) Identify if balanced or unbalanced

8 Newton’s 1st Law An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. BALANCED UNBALANCED

9 Your Turn It is your job to teach someone else what Newton’s 1st law is. Create a picture or diagram that can teach someone what Newton’s 1st Law means There is blank paper, colored pencils, crayons, and markers on the front desk

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