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Application of the Troop Leading Procedures

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1 Application of the Troop Leading Procedures

2 Tools of the Tactician OAKOC Observation and METT-TC Mission Enemy
TLP STEPS Receive the Mission Issue a Warning Order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess METT-TC Mission Enemy Terrain Troops Time Civilian OAKOC Observation and Fields of Fire Avenues of Approach Key and Decisive Obstacles Cover and Concealment Reconnaissance is conducted based on the tentative plan. Information discovered during recon is “plugged back in” to the estimate of the situation. It can cause a change of plan or even a change of mission.

3 Troop Leading Procedures 8 Steps
Receive the Mission Issue a Warning Order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

4 Step 1: Receive the Mission
Receive a mission alert in the form of a Combat Order Warning Order (WARNO) Operations Order (OPORD) Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) The leader immediately begins a mission analysis using the factors of METT-TC and the Military Decision Making Process Conduct an initial time management analysis using “One-third: Two-thirds” Rule Backward Planning Process Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

5 Step 1: Receive the Mission
IME AVAILABLE ERRAIN AND WEATHER ROOPS AND SUPPORT AVAILABLE ISSION NEMY IVILIAN CONSIDERATIONS Analysis of the Mission Tasks - Specified, Implied, Essential Constraints / Limitations Write Restated Mission Guides the leader through the decision making process

6 Step 1: Receive the Mission
Mission Analysis

7 Step 1: Receive the Mission
TIME ANALYSIS 1/3 - 2/3 Rule Backward Planning Process

8 Step 2: Issue a Warning Order
Purpose Issue immediately after mission analysis Do not sacrifice time to gain more info OPORD Format At a minimum WARNO should include: Mission or nature of the operation Who is participating in the operation Time of operation Time and place for operations order Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

9 Step 2: Issue a Warning Order
Operations Order- A Basic Outline Situation Enemy Forces Friendly Forces Attachments and Detachments Mission Execution Concept of the Operation Maneuver Fires Tasks to Maneuver Units Tasks to Combat Support Units Coordinating Instructions Service Support General Material and Services Supply Transportation Services Maintenance Medical Examinations Personnel Miscellaneous Command and Signal Command Signal

10 Step 3: Make a Tentative Plan
C IME AVAILABLE ERRAIN AND WEATHER ROOPS AND SUPPORT AVAILABLE ISSION NEMY IVILIAN CONSIDERATIONS OAKOC Observation and Fields of Fire Avenues of Approach Key and Decisive Terrain Obstacles Cover and Concealment Guides the leader through the decision making process

11 Step 4: Initiate Movement
May occur at any point in the Troop Leading Process The steps do not have to be accomplished in order Can be conducted by subordinate leaders Includes movement to positions closer to LD, initial inspections, reconnaissance, battle drill rehearsals or SOP items If the reconnaissance reveals a change in the situation, the plan must be adjusted accordingly. Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

12 Step 5: Conduct Reconnaissance
Reconnaissance is used to confirm terrain and/or enemy analysis and tactical options Situation and time available dictate the type and detail of reconnaissance Map, terrain model, aerial photo, ground Plan and conduct a leader’s reconnaissance for every mission. Consider risk inherent in moving forward of friendly lines, or into unoccupied area. Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

13 Step 6: Complete the Plan
Develop OPORD based on tentative plan, reconnaissance and additional guidance. Review plan to ensure that the Commander’s mission and intent is satisfied. Consider whether reconnaissance and changes to current situation may change or alter tentative plan. Use five paragraph format and common tactical language from FM (Chapter 5) and FM 5-0. Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

14 Step 7: Issue the Order Can be issued either orally or written
Issue while observing the combat area if possible Supplements to OPORDs: Terrain models Sand Table Map boards/Overlays Sketches Fire Support Matrix All subordinates MUST understand the plan Use briefbacks Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

15 Step 8: Supervise and Assess
Rehearsals Inspections Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

16 Step 8: Supervise and Assess
Rehearsals: The leader uses rehearsals to: Practice essential tasks (improve performance). Reveal weaknesses or problems in the plan. Coordinate the actions of subordinate elements. Improve soldier understanding of the concept of the operation (foster confidence in soldiers). Inspections: Pre Combat Checks (PCCs): Soldier items Pre Combat Inspections (PCIs): Mission essential equipment Troop Leading Procedures Receive the Mission Issue a Warning order Make a Tentative Plan Initiate Movement Conduct Reconnaissance Complete the Plan Issue the Order Supervise and Assess

17 Step 8: Supervise and Assess
REHEARSALS: Must be habitual during training in order to effectively employ units tactically. Clarifies Commander’s intent. Reinforces scheme of maneuver. Ensures understanding and instills confidence in participants. Provides feedback and exposes problems in the plan.

18 Step 8: Supervise and Assess
INSPECTIONS: Pre-Combat Inspections (PCIs) Weapons and ammo: test fire Uniforms and equipment Mission Essential Equipment Soldiers understanding of mission and their specific responsibilities Communications: radios, frequencies, batteries Rations and water Camouflage; personnel and equipment

19 Troop Leading Procedures
1. Receive the Mission 2. Issue a Warning Order 3. Make a Tentative Plan 4. Initiate Movement 5. Conduct Reconnaissance 6. Complete the Plan 7. Issue the Order 8. Supervise and Assess The order of these steps doesn’t change Steps 4-7 are interchangeable. Step 8 occurs throughout the process.

20 Troop Leading Procedures
CHALLENGES Determine specified, implied, and essential tasks Manage available time Delegate during planning and preparation Analyze courses of action and make decisions Brief WARNORD, OPORD and FRAGO Conduct rehearsals and inspections 14 2

21 Troop Leading Procedures
PRACTICAL EXERCISE Review the platoon order Individually write a WARNO Guided discussion Make a tentative plan (Step 3) Initiate movement (Step 4) Reconnoiter (Step 5) Complete the Plan (Step 6) HOMEWORK Issue complete order (Step 7) Supervise (Step 8)

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