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Thermodynamics am CST

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1 Thermodynamics 4-7-18 11 am CST am CST

2 Thermodynamics Studies the effects on a system Work Heat Energy

3 System? System – quantity of matter
thermodynamic system: quantity of matter of fixed identity. We can draw the boundary. Boundaries can be fixed or move. Work or heat can be transferred across the boundaries. Surroundings are everything outside of the boundaries. System – quantity of matter Boundaries – fixed or moveable (work & heat) Surroundings – outside of the boundaries

4 System? Open System – matter and energy exchange
Closed – only energy exchanges Isolated – nothing exchanges

5 System? Very little matter actually leaves our planet. However, energy easily enters and leaves.

6 System? Open System Living Things Ecosystems
We exchange matter and energy with our surroundings. Thus humans, animals, plants, micro-organisms, and the ecosystems they reside are all examples of open systems. Open System Living Things Ecosystems

7 System? Open System Living Things Ecosystems
We exchange matter and energy with our surroundings. Thus humans, animals, plants, micro-organisms, and the ecosystems they reside are all examples of open systems. Open System Living Things Ecosystems

8 Thermodynamics Zeroth Law First Law Second Law Third Law

9 Zeroth Law! Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Temperature
Essentially 2 objects are separately in thermodynamic equilibrium with a third object, they are in equilibrium with each other. Object A and B are the same in heat transfer and temp as the thermometer because they are at equilibrium with the thermometer. If the 2 objects were to touch, we can see the temp stays the same. This is how we can calibrate thermometers. Called the zeroth law because it was established after the other laws were established…the basis for temperature measurement.

10 First Law! Extension of Conservation of Energy delta U = Q - W
Internal energy changes – delta U Add Heat - Q Minus Work - W Every system in equilibrium (same energy and matter in a constant state) has an amount of internal energy. That amount of change in internal energy between any 2 equilibrium states is equal to how much heat was added to the system and how much work the system put out.

11 First Law! Chambers have internal energy Heat goes in and pistons move
Every system in equilibrium (same energy and matter in a constant state) has an amount of internal energy. That amount of change in internal energy between any 2 equilibrium states is equal to how much heat was added to the system and how much work the system put out. Chambers have internal energy Heat goes in and pistons move Energy change in chambers = heat - work

12 First Law! Volume (V) increases as Temperature (T) increases
Pressure (P) decreases as Volume increases PV = nRT (H) Enthalpy (Potential and kinetic) includes internal energy The ideal gas law shows the mathematical relationships of matter, volume, pressure and volume. R is a constant. If I were to increase the amount of molecules in this chamber and the volume stayed the same…the pressure would go up. If I increase the temperature, the molecules increase in kinetic energy (changing the enthalpy) If the volume did not increase, the pressure would increase. If I continued to increase the temperature without allowing an increase in volume, this system could explode…why it is unwise to heat up aerosol cans.

13 Second Law! Entropy increases in irreversible states
Entropy stays the same in reversible states Change in entropy equals change in heat over temp This comes from NASA. There exists a useful thermodynamic variable called entropy (S). A natural process that starts in one equilibrium states and ends in another will go in the direction that causes entropy of the system plus the environment to increase for an irreversible process and to remain constant for a reversible process.

14 Second Law! Entropy ends up the same Increases with disorganization
Decreases with organization This is a reversible process. Ice melts and returns to solid state.

15 Second Law! Information Entropy DNA
Energy is spent generating information Information is organization Much like putting water back into an organized state (ice)…putting nucleic acids together in a highly organized state (DNA) decreases entropy and increases information enthalpy…potential energy with kinetic and internal energy. Evolution does not violate the second law. In fact it is an example of not only the first law but the second law. P

16 Second Law! Evolution does not violate it
Evolution does not violate the second law. In fact it is an example of not only the first law but the second law. Evolution does not violate it A closed system does increase entropy The disorder can occur elsewhere within the system Nature generates disorder and order We still lose most energy as heat from our body

17 Second Law Mutations in DNA do generate disorder…but that would only make a substantial impact if we were all closed systems without any exchange of matter. That is not the case. Organisms with bad traits tend to not have as many offspring over time to cause a particular trait to stick in the population. If the gene pool stayed the same without any movement of new populations, we would then see an increase in ill traits…also why we don’t have children with family members…that would be a genetically closed system if all you did was have babies with people who likely have mutations/various potentially problematic code to cause it to be pronounced in your closed genetic system. Evolution would eventually cause such organisms to die out and quickly thus increasing disorganization and death. This scenario is also making the assumption that no symbiotic relationships would occur…for example, beneficial bacteria to interact and take on some roles as well as virus interacting with DNA which in turn could cause changes…possibly beneficial. Evolution does not violate the second law, it follows it to the letter.

18 Third Law! Most thermodynamics calculations use only entropy differences, so the zero point of the entropy scale is often not important. Third Law is discussed for purposes of completeness because it describes where zero entropy can occur…

19 Third Law Third law pretty much states when absolute zero is reached…how that effects atoms, pressure, volume, and entropy Essentially nothing is moving, vibrating, pressure is constant as is volume…energy doesn’t change, work doesn’t happen…essentially nothing is happening therefore entropy is 0.

20 Thermodynamics Studies the effects on a system Work Heat Energy

21 Thermodynamics Zeroth Law First Law Second Law Third Law

22 Sources physics/thermodynamics/816-does-evolution-contradict-the-second-law-of-thermodynamics- intermediate Thermodynamics/Laws%20of%20Thermodynamics.pdf

23 Thank you to my Patrons Toni Paola James Graham Tim Lauren Tristen
Jenn Carl Melanie Patrick Daniel Paola Tim Keri Circe Keith Zachary Tony Graham Tristen Jennifer Corey Heavy

24 You can find me…

25 Thermodynamics 4-7-18 11 am CST am CST

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