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GIFT / Fiscal Data Package Iteration 3

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1 GIFT / Fiscal Data Package Iteration 3
December 2015 PRESENTED BY Open Knowledge Paul Walsh TECHNICAL LEAD

2 Iteration 3 deliverables
Code libraries for validating Fiscal Data Packages Use Fiscal Data Packages in 3rd party code Critical to the integration with OpenSpending Next Interactive app for creating Fiscal Data Packages Start from a CSV file and get a valid Fiscal Data Package Abstracts away the complexity of creating a “model” Interactive app for visualising Fiscal Data Packages Generate an interactive visualisation from a Fiscal Data Package Runs directly off CSV, FDP or OpenSpending API

3 Libraries for validating Fiscal Data Packages
THIS DELIVERABLE IS COMPLETE In order to build out tooling around Fiscal Data Package, we need core libraries available in relevant programming languages. We’ve focussed on Javascript and Python due to their wide use in the open data ecosystem, and the fact that we use these languages in OpenSpending. JSON Schema representation of the Fiscal Data Package specification Validation library in Python Validation library in Javascript OpenSpending Datastore CLI (push Fiscal Data Packages to the Datastore)

4 App for creating Fiscal Data Packages
THIS DELIVERABLE IS COMPLETE In order to make it easy for publishers to create Fiscal Data Packages from simple CSV files, we need a user interface for validating the source data and modeling it into a Fiscal Data Package. Fiscal Data Packager (app) Fiscal Data Packager (code) Demos: Create FDP | Invalid fiscal data source Fiscal Data Packager will become the data import for OpenSpending Next, meaning that the next release will allow users to publish Fiscal Data Packages directly to OpenSpending and get the benefits of the whole platform.

5 App for visualising Fiscal Data Packages
THIS DELIVERABLE IS INCOMPLETE In order to provide publishers with immediate benefits by publishing to Fiscal Data Package, we need a visualisation app that allows the user to explore the data. This app should be able to run directly from a Fiscal Data Package for small datasets (small enough to load directly into a web browser), and from an API for large datasets (data too large to load directly into a web browser). Fiscal Data Package Viewer (app) Fiscal Data Package Viewer (code) THIS DELIVERABLE WAS NOT ABLE TO BE COMPLETED IN THE 4 WEEK WINDOW FOR THIS ITERATION. ESTIMATED DELIVERY IS DECEMBER 22, 2015.

6 How these components work together

7 How these components work together

8 Integration into OpenSpending Next

9 Thank you

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