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Group 2 Day 2 Citizen Engagement

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1 Group 2 Day 2 Citizen Engagement

2 Group 1 - Countries Ukraine Georgia Moldova Belarus Albania Bulgaria Russian Federation Romania

3 Summary of Discussions
Public and Government Motivation Public Low level of motivation overall In most countries, motivation at the local level is stronger as it is closer to specific projects/expenditures Those who are more familiar with budget issues (students, researches) display a higher level of motivation Budget literacy must be improved NGOs are more motivated that private citizens Recommendations Use interactive tools, such as games and interactive maps Make information easy to understand and compelling

4 Summary of Discussions Public and Government Motivation Government
Motivation at the government level is higher than among the public; it is mostly spearheaded by national MOF Public proposals are used to design programs and concept notes Foster competition to motivate government authorities to engage citizens Provide financial assistance to subnational governments Political motivation of top government officials Participate in and Improve rankings in international ratings Set international indices as MOF’s performance indicators Recommendations Exchange knowledge, participate in international conferences and events

5 Summary of Discussions
Public Engagement Tools Publish Citizens’ Budgets at different stages of the budget process Budget hearings Portals to vote on projects TV shows and debates Participatory budget technologies Budget literacy tools: Budget Days, curricula, and training Recommendations Give participants a voice during hearings Information on decisions made Provide tax relief to entrepreneurs willing to engage in participatory budget initiatives

6 Summary of Discussions
IT Portals There are open budget portals both at central and local levels Analytical tools designed by international organizations (BOOST or Big Data) are used Feedback is available through portals Recommendations Design modules enabling citizens not only to vote but to pitch their projects

7 Thank you

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