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1 Couplings

2 Definition Couplings provide a means of linking shafts or transmitting drive from a driver unit (e.g. electric motor or gearbox) to a driven unit (e.g. a pump). As within the name, a coupling couples together in 2 halves, the source of the power in whatever form it may come in, and the driven application. There are numerous types of coupling, each type which is suited to is own application; we are now going to look into this.

3 Coupling Providing Drive

4 Industrial Coupling Application

5 Coupling Facts Take up misalignment of the shafts.
Allow for expansion of the shafts caused by heating. Permit disengagement of the shafts at low speeds or at rest. Slip when overload occurs to protect both driven and driver units. Prevent overloading of the driver unit during start up. Prevent or reduce vibrations in a shaft system. Allow machinery or sections of shafting to be removed for maintenance.

6 Coupling Drive in Action
This animation shows a motor driving an application, connected together via a coupling.

7 Coupling Alignment

8 Coupling Types & Applications
Bellows Type Flanged Sleeved Universal Joint Pin and Bush Rubber Tyre Type Spider Type Gear Type Spring / Bibby Chain Type

9 Bellows Coupling Is flexible coupling For angular, offset & parallel
High torsional stiffness Suitable for drives associated with instruments High quality or translation of motion Service life affected by load reversal applications & When driving loads incrementally

10 Flanged Coupling Is rigid coupling Connects 2 shafts in line
Used to transmit high loads Employed to connect to large turbines, power drives & other large applications Do not tolerate misalignment Require accurate setting up

11 Sleeved Coupling Also known as muff coupling
Fits snugly over the mating shafts Can utilise a keyway Secured tightly via taper pins or screws Coupling closes as it is tightened Used when lack of space prohibits a flange coupling

12 Sleeved Coupling Also available in a non- Compressing figuration

13 Universal Joint Coupling
Classed as solid coupling Comes with a flexible joint Connects to shaft via a pin Can fit into a keyway on each shaft end Flexes via adjoing piece between both halves Can transmit drive / drive of angle up to 52 degrees Used in car drives, covered with a seal known as a ‘boot’

14 Universal Joint Coupling Parts

15 Pin and Bush Coupling Classed as a solid coupling
Comes as 2 half flanges Usually joined to each shaft via a keyway Each half is attached via fitted pins into hole Can have upward of 3 driving pins Bushes made from soft material such as rubber When fitting, correct side has to be fitted to drive half Come with manufacturers instructions for correct fitting

16 Rubber Tyre Coupling Also known as Fenner Coupling
Comes as 2 flanges with keyway Flanges fit onto either side of ‘tyre’ Tyre is made from rubber Coupling can tolerate slight misalignment Secured together via cap headed bolts Used when vibration or torsional load is present Rubber can perish over time, especially in high temperatures

17 Spider / Jaw Coupling Used in lighter applications
Can reduce vibration 2 halves separated by a flexible insert Insert is usually made from a rubber type material Material resistant to heat, chemicals Insert or ‘spider’ is replaceable part

18 Gear Coupling Classed as solid coupling
Used for heavy applications such as heavy industry drives Do not tolerate misalignment Require precise setting up Requires regular lubrication

19 Gear Coupling Detail

20 Spring / Bibby Coupling
Classed as flexible coupling 2 flanged with spring at centre Excellent for absorbing any shock loading & reducing any vibration May require lubrication Requires accurate setting up and alignment Used for cement mills, conveyors, cranes, marine auxiliaries

21 Chain Coupling 2 sprockets accommodating a duplex chain
Fitted to shaft via key drive Minor misalignment can be tolerated The coupling assembly is usually lubricated Limitation with speeds used A cover normally is fitted over chain Disconnection of coupling halves by removing chain

22 Chain Coupling in Casing
This will guarantee keeping lubrication inside and contamination outside

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