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Central Asia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

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1 Central Asia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
Chapter 19, 25, 26 Central Asia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

2 Landforms Central Asia
Western section called Caucasus lie between Black and Caspian Sea; the Eastern section include the 6 “stans” 3 Caucasus nations – Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan Caucasus Mountains in West, Hindu Kush in Afghanistan Deserts – Kara-Kum (black sand desert) in Turkmenistan; Kyzyl Kum (red sand desert) in W Uzbekistan

3 Water & Mountains Caspian Sea- world’s largest inland sea
Mountains in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan provide hydroelectric power due to its position and terrain Western Ghats – has gorges and rapids that make it excellent for hydroelectric power, but poor for navigation The Vindhya Satpura mountain ranges divide India into Northern and Southern regions

4 Afghanistan The largest & most populated city in Afghanistan is Kabul, the capital. Rise of Taliban Sept 11, 2001 – Osama bin Laden The most populous country in Central Asia Mujahedeen-Afghan freedom fighters

5 Religions - Hinduism Hinduism is the world's oldest extant religion, with a billion followers, which makes it the world's third largest religion. originated in India, characterized by the belief in reincarnation. Polytheistic Textbook page 834

6 Buddhism Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world. The word comes from 'budhi', 'to awaken'. It has its origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, was himself awakened (enlightened) at the age of 35. He asked “Why is there so much suffering” after meditating under a bodhi tree he reached enlightenment and became known as Buddha (enlightened one)

7 Buddhism To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy 'means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as: (1) to lead a moral life, (2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and (3) to develop wisdom and understanding.

8 Buddhism Buddha taught the 4 Noble Truths: 1. all life is suffering
2. suffering is caused by desire 3. there is a way out of suffering 4. the way our o suffering is to follow the Eightfold Path Textbook page 828

9 India Himalaya Mtns – world’s highest mountains
Hindu Kush to the west with very high wide pass Karakoram Range in NW south Asia The Vindyha and Satpura Ranges divide India into northern and southern regions E and W Ghats on either side; W Ghats are ideal for hydroelectric power due to rapids and gorges Thar Desert in Northern India

10 India Deccan Plateau – located between the Ghats; south of the Great Plains – high flat land crossed by many rivers and rolling hills The capital city is New Delhi The Taj Mahal (a famous mausoleum and popular tourist attraction) is located in the region of Agra. India became an independent nation in 1947 after ending British rule that began in 1858.

11 India Agriculture is not only the dominant occupations of the people of India but is also one of the most important economic sectors for the country. 2 Official Languages-Hindi, English City of Chennai (Madras) is located on the Bay of Bengal in India India and Pakistan were formed because could not agree on a constitution for a single state

12 India Farmers overwork the land to increase their harvests
Sikh – group with their own religion who desire and independent Sikh state; originated in Punjab - pg textbook 80% in India are Hindu 1972-poaching and smuggling wildlife was made illegal in India Island Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1948 and became a republic in

13 Gandhi Indian man; lawyer Saw cruelties of the British rule
Leader of Indian Nationalist Movement; helped in India’s independence from Britain Nonviolent protest, peaceful marched, hunger strikes, boycotts Jailed several times, India received freedom in 1947 Assassinated in 1948 by a Hindu

14 Pakistan Government type: federal republic; strained relations with India Capital: Islamabad The national language of Pakistan is Urdu Prone to earthquakes in northern and western regions Deforestation due to heavy flooding during rainy seasons

15 Pakistan Parts of Himalayas, Karakoram Range and Hindu Kush make up the mountainous region, in the north of Pakistan. The highest mountain in Pakistan is K2, which comes under the Karakoram mountain range. Pakistan came into existence in 1947, after partition of India. Few people have access to fresh water; high rates of death due to industrial pollution

16 Bangladesh Supported by India, East Pakistan became Bangladesh in after a war of independence against Pakistan. ½ people farmers in Bangladesh, its export earnings come mainly from the garments industry. Both Bangladesh and Pakistan export the natural resource fish Bangladesh gets much more rain than Pakistan; during summer monsoons it is hot and wet

17 Bangladesh Capital and largest city (2011 est.): Dhaka, 15.391 million
In the summer monsoon season it is hot and wet

18 Nepal Sits south Asia amid the Himalayas (highest mountain in the world) Mount Everest – highest peak Capital – Kathmandu & most populated city Sherpa's – known for mountaineering skills Most are Hindu Acts as a buffer between India and China

19 Maldives is an island country in the Indian Ocean. It lies southwest of India and Sri Lanka Barrier Reefs off many islands Has no rivers Maldives the smallest country in Asia, it is also the smallest Muslim country in the world.

20 Bhutan Located between India and China Surrounded by Himalayas
The state religion of Bhutan is Buddhism. Home of monks and stupas or Buddhist shrines Capital Thimphu

21 Sri Lanka the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is an island country in South Asia near south-east India Capitals India – New Delhi Pakistan – Islamabad Afghanistan - Kabul

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